Artemis Fowl Book 7: This is a Squee Post!

Jul 12, 2010 20:23

Ever since I learned that there was a seventh Artemis Fowl coming out this summer (they always seem to surprise me, I guess I need to follow this kind of thing more closely!) I have been excited and nervous at the same time, wondering where Colfer planned to go with the romance after what had happened in the last book…

All of the Artemis/Holly in the sixth book made me deliriously happy-I was on Cloud 9 for a week, constantly thinking about it and smiling, after having actually danced for joy when I read of the A/H kiss for which I had longed for so many years, and which I never expected! I remember seeing Colfer in person when the third book came out, and him answering a fan question about whether Artemis and Holly would kiss firmly in the negative, exclaiming that they were different species. So to actually see this dream of mine happen, for one of my long-shot d00med!friendship-based ships to actually transpire in canon, was phenomenal and surreal-for once I could stick canon in the face of nay-sayers insisting they were “just friends” and that I was “reading too much into it”, and say, “Wrong!” :p And my least favorite character after Opal, the horrid Ginny Mary Sue Minerva, who I feared would be involved in a romance with Artemis in the sixth book, didn’t even appear! It was like the sixth Harry Potter book all over again, but done right, IMHO! ;)

And it was so beautifully written as well, surprising me greatly-I had thought after the blundering, awkward, forced, shallow romance seen in the fifth book between Artemis and Minerva that Colfer, hilarious and wonderful as he was, simply could not write (intentional) romance. But with Artemis/Holly, Colfer showed just how well he could do so-unlike Artemis/Minerva, Artemis/Holly in this book was all subtlety, all about what was left unsaid between them, rather than their spoken words, with the car scene being a chief example of this (I wasn’t even entirely sure what they were saying at first, so much better than a sledgehammer of obviousness!). It was more about the little things, and all the more emotionally satisfying and lovely for it. Especially given all that has come before between them, all that they have shared, how far they have come from when he first kidnapped her as a cold, ruthless young boy. The kiss scene is still my favorite of the series, followed by the car conversation. Too bad there were so many problems with the main plot besides that, namely Opal’s annoying, boring self showing up as the villain once again, and much confusion.

In any case though, given how things ended between Artemis and Holly, with them saying how impossible a relationship would be, and seeming to claim that it could only happen in an AU verse like where they had just been, I was worried that this might be it-that Colfer might have been just trying to satisfy the A/H fans with this book, and meant to show how impossible A/H was so as to move on to A/M.

But this excerpt from the plot summary/description of the 7th book gives me great hope…

Captain Holly Short is unconvinced, and discovers that Artemis is suffering from Atlantis Complex, a psychosis common among guilt-ridden fairies - not humans - and most likely triggered by Artemis’s dabbling with fairy magic. Symptoms include obsessive-compulsive behavior, paranoia, multiple personality disorder and, in extreme cases, embarrassing professions of love to a certain feisty LEPrecon fairy.

I squeed so much when I read this-professions of love to a certain feisty LEPrecon fairy?! DO WANT! :D It definitely sounds promising as far as Colfer continuing to pursue Artemis/Holly romantic development, following the major developments in book six. Obviously Artemis is still hung up on HOLLY, not stupid Minerva (or he’d be confessing to HER, no?), which is a good sign for my ship! I am definitely interested to see how she will react, and who will hear this confession…:p In short, this makes me look forward to the book even more, and I just hope that the inevitable dumb Opal plot will not be too obnoxious and annoying to mar my enjoyment of the book overall…

The only thing I am not very happy about in regard to this book is its ugly-ass cover, which is in a completely different style from every other book in the series-I really hate it when series’ cover art changes mid-series, like it did with VA as well, but at least those changes weren’t as bad as this one…*sigh*  This will definitely be the biggest book release of the summer for me!

Anyone else here read Artemis Fowl?

spoilers, artemis fowl, harry potter, review, summer 2010, reading, books, artemis/holly

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