A note about my failure to post my Breaking Dawn Review yet....

Sep 23, 2008 00:42

I've had it written for a while, but both when I first tried to post it September 1, and when I just tried to post it tonight, I was unable to do so thanks to LJ deciding not to post what I write, or deciding that when I put things behind a cut, it's only for sh**ts and giggles, and that they don't actually have to keep all of it behind a cut! * ( Read more... )

twilight, breaking dawn

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Comments 2

_artanis_ September 23 2008, 00:33:45 UTC
Hey, I haven't watched Bones since the premier either.

I haven't read Breaking Dawn, but I read the wikipedia article and decided it sounded terrible.


sherrilina October 6 2008, 13:51:25 UTC
Yeah, a friend from high school called me the morning of the release to ask if I had read it yet so she could discuss the fail with me, having seen the spoilers....I think it was worth reading, but not more than once! :p

Have you watched Bones since the premiere now? I miss our Bones-watching 'parties' with Brittny and Ary in the TV lounge....


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