Overflow Post II

Feb 10, 2013 18:51

This post is for responding to prompts from prompt posts that are full, or continuing WIPs that were started on prompt posts that have since filled up or are close to full.

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prompting: overflow, prompt posts

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Comments 124

Bound (Warning: non-con) anonymous February 18 2013, 02:02:01 UTC
This is a fill for http://sherlockbbc-fic.livejournal.com/2727.html?thread=5996711#t5996711 back in part 3. The original prompt reads:

"Sherlock and John are captured and tied up to each other on a bed, both completely naked (I'm sure there's been a prompt done along these lines before, but hold on). Moriarty comes in and says he's going to rape one of them. Both of them expect it to be Sherlock.

So of course, he rapes John instead.

Basically I'd like to see John attempting to face it calmly, trying not to break down, and Sherlock just totally freaking out. Trying to dissuade Moriarty, offering himself as better alternative and than - when it doesn't work - trying to help John through it as best he can when he's literally tied to John."

I would describe this fill as hurt/comfort, but it may be read as leaning more toward hurt.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 1/12 anonymous February 18 2013, 02:03:12 UTC
He wakes to warmth, to a familiar scent. The press of bare flesh is familiar, the shape of it less so. He shifts, pulls his nose out of the crook of Sherlock’s neck - not that familiar then - and assesses the situation. His mouth feels fuzzy and his memories are patchy. They’d been attacked and then injected with something. He has some vague memories of transport, he’s probably been in a car, but he has no idea where they are or how long they’ve been indisposed. It doesn’t matter, he can leave those details to Sherlock ( ... )


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 2/12 anonymous February 18 2013, 02:04:22 UTC
A change in breathing is the only warning he gets before Sherlock twists under him, shoving him away and telling him to “Get off ( ... )


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 3/12 anonymous February 18 2013, 02:05:43 UTC
And then John hears a door open.

“Starting without me?” The voice is chillingly familiar and, John can admit to himself, not entirely unexpected. “I’m hurt“You,” Sherlock’s voice vibrates through him ( ... )


anonymous February 26 2013, 04:15:59 UTC
Here is a fill for this prompt:


I just want some Molly/Sherlock hurt/comfort, her tending to his injuries after the fall, followed by gentle sex.


Slumber in the Broken Night (Sherlock/Molly, M) 1/? anonymous February 26 2013, 04:22:07 UTC
Molly is engrossed in the task of stitching up a wound on his arm, all of her focus on the row of delicate sutures, seemingly unaware of his gaze for once. He didn't allow her to give him enough narcotics to truly stop his pain, and while the local anesthetic keeps him from feeling each prick of the needle, the dull ache through his frame reminds him that he indeed cannot fly. She is tired, her hands not quite as steady as they would have been hours before. Before he asked this of her, brought to her attention just what it meant to matter to him ( ... )


Re: Slumber in the Broken Night (Sherlock/Molly, M) 2/? anonymous February 26 2013, 04:27:44 UTC
Sherlock's lips part without words appearing. It seems to occur to her that he might be sick and she glances around for her wastebasket. He stops her by grasping her arm, grounding himself with the smooth texture of her skin beneath his fingertips. Molly freezes, eyes wide, and something tightens in his gut. He needs distraction, badly, because without it he can't keep Moriarty and rooftops and the sound of John Watson's voice out of his mind. He lifts his hand to cup her cheek, then lets it roll along the side of her neck, and down along her ribs. He's unaccustomed to touching live people like this, his skin flushes when he feels her lungs expand with a gulp of breath ( ... )


Re: Slumber in the Broken Night (Sherlock/Molly, M) 3/? anonymous February 26 2013, 04:42:39 UTC
As if she knows this, Molly stays quiet, her mouth occupied by his jaw and throat. The skin beneath her shirt feels hot to the touch, and a flush of goose pimples rises along her arm as she peels the shirt away, her hair crackling slightly with static electricity. He expected her to be shy, but perhaps the wine is chipping away at her inhibitions. She slips beneath the sheets before she stretches along his side and Sherlock finds himself briefly stunned by the long warm swath of her skin pressed against his own (there's honey and jasmine in her scent, she must have showered while he was sleeping). He traces the line of her arm until he can study the muscles of her back, and catches himself smiling faintly when he feels her pulse beneath his lips ( ... )


Fill for Prompt: IOU (1/2) am1thirteenth March 26 2013, 09:06:30 UTC
Short fill: IOU (I like the prompter's title)


Not beta-ed, and I'm not sorry it came out cracky

'Staying Alive' playing loudly in the background, Jim Moriarty sat quietly as he waited for Sherlock to arrive. This was the day of their final confrontation and to say that he was upset would have been an understatement. Sherlock Holmes, the biggest, most interesting distraction in his boring life, would die today as the consequence of losing their intricate final problem. Just thinking about the dull days that awaited made him cringe. What do villains do for fun when their heroes die anyway?

From the corner of his eyes, Jim noted someone in black coming through the rooftop door. Finally.

"Well, here we are at last," he greeted without turning, "You and me, Sherlock."

The person approached him with careful steps.

"And our problem... the final problem." Always a villain with flair, Jim raised his phone with a hand, emphasizing the song, "Staying ali---what the fuck!"

"Look, Jim, I don't want any trouble. Sherlock ( ... )


Fill for Prompt: IOU (2/2) am1thirteenth March 26 2013, 09:07:17 UTC
John looked mildly offended. "You do realize I'm older than you?"

"Boring! Everyone can get old. It's what in here," Jim flicked his forefinger and pointed it to his own head, "that counts."

"Supposing you get what you want from Sherlock, what are you going to do with him?" John asked, ignoring Jim's remark mostly out of reflex (one didn't simply bunk up with Sherlock Holmes for almost a year and came out a more sensitive person).

Jim laughed incredulously, "Oh Johnny, surely by now you know that I have gotten him. I have been doing things to him. Things that he likes."

"God," John looked like he was going to be sick, "You sick, twisted bastard. I'm not even going to ask when you---Did he even---was it even mutual? Did he give his consent?"

By then Jim could feel something was off, but impatient as he was, all he wanted to do was getting to 'main course'.

"He was certainly enthusiastic," he shrugged, silently wondering why his answer only seemed to incense the doctor even further. Ah the woes of the ordinaries. Sometimes ( ... )


Re: Fill for Prompt: IOU (2/2) am1thirteenth March 27 2013, 11:27:30 UTC
I'm not usually one for crack, but this was hilarious!

The fucking heart shape was hardly legible.

And bizarrely in character too.

Well done!


Re: Fill for Prompt: IOU (2/2) am1thirteenth March 27 2013, 12:05:10 UTC
Thank you so much! I write crack to ease the 'feels' after seeing sherlock s3 spoilers :D


Fill for Prompt: Bizarre World part 1 am1thirteenth March 30 2013, 10:24:09 UTC
Bizarre World (aka A Study where Nothing Makes Sense Anymore)

Prompt fill for: We need something lighthearted. Let’s write a bizarre AU where everyone traded places, shall we? But try to be as surprising as possible. No easy mirror changes. (http://sherlockbbc-fic.livejournal.com/15253.html?thread=82241685#t82241685... )


Fill for Prompt: Bizarre World part 2 am1thirteenth March 30 2013, 10:28:47 UTC
"Anderson," she replied nervously, clutching on her clipboard, "Please wear gloves and don't fall on the dead body this time. I don't want my crime scene contaminated. Again ( ... )


Re: Fill for Prompt: Bizarre World part 2 iwantthatcoat April 20 2013, 06:46:24 UTC
This is fandamtastic fun. And I adore tiramisu and think the fact that army doctors smell of it just might explain a few things.


Fill for Prompt: Bizarre World part 3 am1thirteenth March 30 2013, 10:33:45 UTC
Mycroft watched with disdain as Anderson went ahead and possibly butchered every possible evidence they could have collected from the scene. The detective stepped on the dead woman's hand a few times without noticing, left a rather significant dust stain on the pink coat, and sneezed on the woman's hair. By the time Anderson accidentally kicked the woman's pink heel off and clumsily put it back on, Mycroft had quietly finished his own observation and returned to fiddling with the handle of his umbrella ( ... )


Can't things just be simple? haveagasonline April 23 2013, 15:01:34 UTC
Fill for this prompt: http://sherlockbbc-fic.livejournal.com/9100.html?thread=43493772#t43493772

John moves in with Sherlock, and he starts developing feelings for the detective, which is good because it seems those feelings are returned...

And then Sherlock's husband turns up.


Re: Can't things just be simple? 1/? haveagasonline April 23 2013, 15:03:55 UTC
"So you have a boyfriend ( ... )


Re: Can't things just be simple? 2/? haveagasonline April 23 2013, 16:06:48 UTC
"I'm sorry sir, but unless you're family, or an emergency contact I can't release ( ... )


Re: Can't things just be simple? 3/? haveagasonline April 23 2013, 17:10:12 UTC
A tiny warning bell began to chime in the back of John's skull. It was fine. Everything was fine. Holmes wasn't an uncommon last name ( ... )


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