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anonymous May 17 2011, 19:25:07 UTC
John moves in with Sherlock, and he starts developing feelings for the detective, which is good because it seems those feelings are returned...

And then Sherlock's husband turns up.


itsxaxmystery May 17 2011, 20:26:31 UTC


anonymous May 18 2011, 01:20:09 UTC
I would give a gold star to anyone who fills this without making the husband (Victor Trevor?) the baddie or just plain inferior to John.


anonymous May 18 2011, 02:47:48 UTC
I totally understand that. If I were any good at character development I would write this, because it always hurts so much more when the husband is the genuinely nicest guy in the universe or legitimately perfect for their partner (in this case Sherlock).


anonymous May 18 2011, 07:00:13 UTC
Oh oh oh! Yes please.


Fill: Red Sky in Morning 1/3 anonymous May 19 2011, 11:11:18 UTC
This may or may not be what you're looking for, OP. But I hope you'll enjoy it regardless.


There’s this tension that crackles in the air, thick and heavy and electric-clouds gathering on the horizon before a storm, lightning flashing in the distance-when he sees Doctor John Watson for the very first time.

It’s so sudden, so unexpected, that at first he thinks that maybe it’s just static electricity, a particularly strong discharge that’s struck his entire body-when he feels the barest hint of warm, calloused fingers brush against his.

But...no. It’s...something else, which he has yet to fully deduce because he’s only experienced it one other time in his life and it was nothing like this. That was more of a calm drizzle, the remnants of an autumn rain that lasts for days and settles into skin and hair and clothes slowly, subtly ( ... )


Fill: Red Sky in Morning 2/3 anonymous May 19 2011, 11:13:49 UTC
The cab comes to a stop in front of the flat and he climbs out to greet his potential temporaryflatmate.

When their hands meet he swears he sees sparks fly and he can’t help the way his body shivers a bit.

He ignores the way there are clouds gathering on the horizon, ignores the heat he can feel seeping into his bones. It’s not the right time of year for that.


“You have a girlfriend?”

He wants to laugh, but he settles for saying, wryly, “Girls...not really my area.”

There’s a fluttering in his chest, because it’s unexpected this unassuming man who nonetheless seems to light up the room in brief, sharp bursts is engaging him in this conversation.

“Oh,” John says, looking momentarily confused before his face clears and he leans forward to ask, “So, do you have a boyfriend? Which is fine, by the way,” he hastily adds.

“I know it’s fine,” he answers teasinglyquickly, which is not at all what he meant to say ( ... )


Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 19 2011, 11:14:59 UTC
The documentary comes back to him one night not long after his flatmate moved in. They’ve been chasing a serial killer through London and-for once-John is ahead of him, Sherlock following behind, and it flashes though his mind in a moment, bright white light that overwhelms him. In the next instant, he thinks about how John is like those tornadoes-unexpected, unpredictable, sometimes small and sometimes so large and with the power to inspire and terrify. And he’s chasing after it, in spite of the danger, in spite of every instinct telling him to run indoors and find a safe place to ride it out ( ... )


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 19 2011, 13:39:06 UTC
Wonderful, it's actually distressing to see Sherlock pulled in two directions. And comparing John to a storm is very fitting


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 20 2011, 23:12:47 UTC
Thank you very much. I'm glad the metaphor worked for you. :)


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 introductory May 19 2011, 22:53:38 UTC
Oh, wow.

This took me completely by surprise with how achy it was. I think anyone can identify with Sherlock's indecision -- wanting something you shouldn't have, something you shouldn't want. The way it ends is sort of heartbreakingly perfect: no decision having been made -- yet. Loved your use of the storm metaphor throughout; it never seemed forced, and it's particularly apt.


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 20 2011, 23:14:21 UTC
Thanks! Yeah, I think Sherlock is in a predicament that almost anyone can relate to. I'm glad the ambiguous ending worked. I honestly couldn't decide what he would choose, so I thought it was best left up to the audience. :)


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 20 2011, 01:23:01 UTC
This is appropriately gut wrenching. Just. phew.


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 20 2011, 23:14:54 UTC
Thank you. :)


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 20 2011, 01:52:29 UTC
This is beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous imagery.


Re: Fill: Red Sky in Morning 3/3 anonymous May 20 2011, 23:15:45 UTC
Thank you so much! I was concentrating on the imagery and metaphor, so I'm glad it worked for you. :)


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