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Barter System 1/11 anonymous January 11 2011, 11:38:18 UTC
(Sorry this took me so long, and I ended up going a bit off track at the end, but I hope you like it anyway, OP!)


The first time John notices Sherlock wearing one of his tee-shirts, he’s surprised. Not that Sherlock would invade John’s privacy and take whatever he liked for his own use, of course, John’s gotten used to that, irritating though it is. No, what surprises him is that it’s John’s clothes that Sherlock has decided to help himself to. And not to perform some kind of experiment on the melting point of cotton tee-shirts worn by ex-army doctors or something, just to wear.

It’s, well, it’s kind of cute. John has to hide a wince at that thought, because that’s not really the kind of thought you should be having about your flatmate, is it, finding the fact that he’s stolen an item of your clothing and is wearing it around cute? And really, there’s a million reasons Sherlock could’ve decided to wear his shirt. For all John knows, it could be some kind of experiment. Comparing fibre textures and their affect on skin, maybe, or ( ... )


Re: Barter System 11/11 waalkchan January 12 2011, 18:30:17 UTC
This is just... Oh, brilliant!!!I love the little details, the development of the trades, the talk with Sarah, amazing!

(Also, I was giggling the whole time picturing them in the clothes, because some months ago I drew this:http://waalkchan.tumblr.com/post/1401535652/soglideaway-and-achildofearth-dears-here-it-is and now I'm all fbgjdkfbgdfsj over this fanfic <3 )


Re: Barter System 11/11 vash137 January 15 2011, 02:12:35 UTC
Loved this story! The barter system was priceless! Good mix of humor and drama :)


Re: Barter System 11/11 anonymous January 15 2011, 05:06:20 UTC
This is wonderful! It is well thought out and I especially like it when Sherlock tells him that it was because he'd never met anyone like John before. LOVED THAT! <3


Re: Barter System 11/11 lizzledpink January 15 2011, 23:28:26 UTC


Re: Barter System 11/11 uptothewords January 18 2011, 02:05:20 UTC

Everything about this is made of WIN. How I'd love to see them switch clothes on the show for some reason or another. =D

When Sherlock comes, he silently, completely falls apart. And I would love to see this, too. =D


Re: Barter System 11/11 tardis_stowaway January 20 2011, 03:15:57 UTC
This is so adorable I half expected kittens to start jumping out of my computer as I read it. Yay! I especially loved the conversation with Sarah.


Re: Barter System 11/11 anonymous January 20 2011, 23:46:13 UTC
It's like, the definition of an adorable :D
They make trading clothes look really sexy. And the dog tags were the icing on the cake!


Re: Barter System 11/11 mitsuruaki January 23 2011, 07:37:53 UTC
“I thought you didn’t believe heroes existed.”

“That was before I got to know you,” Sherlock replies.

D'AWWWWWWWW! Sherlock may not have even meant it that way, but that was so sweet! God, they are too cute! That barter system was the best idea ever. Awesome job!


Re: Barter System 11/11 peyton07 February 21 2011, 06:28:42 UTC
So lovely. And I love how tricksy Sarah was :)


Re: Barter System 11/11 anonymous April 20 2011, 04:03:23 UTC
I liked this a lot - very amusing and well-written, and I could just see Sherlock making assumptions about why his clothes turned up with John's and assuming that they were implicitly agreeing to trade clothing. :)

But, please - ID tags, not dog-tags! John was in the British army, not the US.


Re: Barter System 11/11 fanbot May 2 2011, 23:59:21 UTC
Delightful! Thanks anon!


Re: Barter System 11/11 keerawa April 29 2012, 19:20:58 UTC
Awwww, boys. I loved Sherlock extrapolating one exchange on a cold walk and John's lack of protest into an accepted barter system, without bothering to inform John of the fact. Both of them geting that special, possessive little thrill from seeing their clothes on the other.

And John's freak-out about the dog-tags - besides his issues with not feeling worthy to wear them himself, that's (at least in the US) a serious declaration. I know several people who wear replicas of their loved ones' tags while they are separated by a deployment.


Re: Barter System 11/11 lokifan June 8 2012, 22:19:05 UTC
Well-characterised - I love the John!voice - lots of fun dialogue, quietly engrossing, and also ADORABLE. The happy ending is LOVELY!


Re: Barter System 11/11 anonymous August 21 2012, 21:31:54 UTC
I'm damn late to the party but I wanted to tell you that I have really enjoyed reading your little FF.


Re: Barter System 11/11 8dreamcatcher8 August 24 2012, 04:25:47 UTC
Adorable! It's perfect after a long and boring day.


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