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Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 20:56:31 UTC
After John moves out to go live with Mary (his future canon wife, FYI) Sherlock begins to randomly turn up in Molly's apartment. At first he passes it off as merely needing to steal her food/tea, but eventually his stuff starts migrating over and then he's all "My flat? 221b is my laboratory, now. See, Toby's on top of the Union Jack pillow and everything. I totally live here now." Molly's reaction is entirely up to you.


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 20:59:20 UTC
OH MY GOD OKAY. This is really tempting. Shippy or non-shippy?


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 21:01:50 UTC
Doesn't have to be totally romantic, but it could be semi-shippy. It would be funny to see him turning up in her bed for warmth or because he was sick of her too-short couch and it turning into awkward cuddling.


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 21:04:30 UTC
I'd be inclined to make it shippy, but I can keep it gen/friendship if you'd rather :)


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 21:12:46 UTC

I didn't want to push too much, but that'd be just fine.


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 21:16:43 UTC
Even though Sherlock/John is completely my OTP (and really my only ship) I've written more Sherlock/Molly, which I don't ship, not really--I just love it. I think it's the challenge of making it work.

So basically, push away, because I need very little encouragemnt to put these two together ;)


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 21:24:56 UTC
Yaaaaaaaay! So exciting! Can't wait, Anon.


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 21:34:55 UTC
I'm excited to write it! I think it's a brilliant idea, I can't wait to start (just got to finish my other Sherlock/Molly fill first).


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 19 2010, 03:31:04 UTC
HAHAHA, I *know* who you are, Anon! ;) And you produce some of the best 'Sherlock' fics out there, so I can't wait to see your response to this prompt! Let's hope the waiting time for it is not very long!


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 19 2010, 13:38:01 UTC
Yes, I did rather think afterwards that I'd accidentally managed to out myself by repeating things I've said elsewhere whilst de-anoned. MY CLEVER LET ME SHOW YOU IT ;)

Also, this comment made a not-that-great day become excellent, so thank you very, very much :)


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 19 2010, 21:07:24 UTC


Re: Sherlock Moves In Without Asking anonymous November 18 2010, 21:23:12 UTC
I absolutly want this one !!
He would just replace a doctor for an other one after all :-)
It could be frienship but I would love some cuddling or more !
Maybe Molly has some nighmares after the whole Moriary episode and Sherlock agrees to stay with her for the night. Or Molly taking care of a sick Sherlock.

(and if they get together it would be funny to have Sherlock asking "Am I better than Jim ?")


Prompt Fill 1 /? anonymous December 5 2010, 18:23:34 UTC
Hi! I saw this prompt a few days ago and it wouldn't let me go. Here's my attempt to fill it ( ... )


Re: Prompt Fill 2 /? anonymous December 5 2010, 18:25:43 UTC
Her directness clearly startled him. She liked that. He didn’t respond. For a good minute or so ( ... )


Re: Prompt Fill 3 /? anonymous December 5 2010, 18:30:31 UTC
He was gone when she woke up, the only trace of him ever being there the coffee mug and the faint smell of him on the pillows ( ... )


Re: Prompt Fill 4 /? anonymous December 5 2010, 18:37:08 UTC
Unfortunately, she was not sure if he was going to make an appearance that night - she sent a text with no reply - but she waited for him in the sitting room anyway ( ... )


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