Prompt Post Part XXVIII

Apr 03, 2012 12:28

Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

IMPORTANT! Spoilers for aired episodes are now being allowed on this area of the meme, without warning. If you do not want to encounter spoilers, please prompt at our Spoiler-Free Prompt Post.

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prompting: 28, prompt posts

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Post-TRF, attempting to carry on, one step at a time anonymous April 13 2012, 19:35:32 UTC
I'm stuck on the image of Mrs Hudson trying to go through Sherlock's things now that he's gone. I suppose I just need some simple, daily-life angst to help me work through what happened. Nothing in particular, just some of characters (whoever you like, however you like) taking the next baby steps toward life after "the fall."


auth!anon anonymous April 17 2012, 01:53:51 UTC
Oh, thank you so much for this! I'm so glad you liked it, especially #2 (which happens to be my favourite *g*).

I've just posted an "outtake scene," FYI.

Thanks a million for reading/commenting. You've really made my day!


Boxes 7/6 anonymous April 17 2012, 01:52:07 UTC

It matters not one whit that the others don't speak. He can hear them thinking. Of course he can.

He can hear them reading the headline to themselves, rolling the words off their mental tongues, tasting its scandal: "Suicide of Fake Genius."

He can hear them judging. The Diogenes Club resounds with the echoes of its members' scorn and contempt for his baby brother.

There is more to the story than even this intelligentsia knows. Then again, Mycroft muses, there always is.

In Mycroft's mind there are many mansions; he enters the distant one on the horizon and follows a labyrinth of stairways and corridors to an underground chamber that houses a secret room.

Hardly a room. A cell, rather. A box.

Access requires a retinal scan, a DNA sample, and the recitation of an arcane code phrase in Classical Latin.

He folds his long bulk into the cramped compartment and seals the door behind him.

In that most hidden of places, Mycroft screams.




OP here anonymous April 17 2012, 14:58:54 UTC
Oh god how I loved this. Brilliant. Every word. You took a little prompt and made it something grand.

Now to go have a cry...



Re: OP here anonymous April 19 2012, 00:24:56 UTC
I'm soooo happy you liked this! Thanks for an awesome prompt of awesomeness.


"Five Boxes": now polished, edited, and reposted morganstuart April 19 2012, 02:55:31 UTC
Hi there!

I'm doing the de-anon thing here to say this has been reworked, edited, and polished, and it's now posted here: "Five Boxes."


Re: Boxes 2/? anonymous April 15 2012, 01:14:24 UTC
ooh, yes, i like this.


auth!anon here anonymous April 15 2012, 01:39:33 UTC
Oh, thank you! I'm so glad to hear it.

More is on its way...


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