Prompt Post Part XXVIII

Apr 03, 2012 12:28

Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

IMPORTANT! Spoilers for aired episodes are now being allowed on this area of the meme, without warning. If you do not want to encounter spoilers, please prompt at our Spoiler-Free Prompt Post.

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prompting: 28, prompt posts

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Comments 7862

Mod Post sherlockbbc_fic April 3 2012, 17:28:34 UTC
We had a four day prompt freeze this time because the mods needed to discuss some very important issues regarding the meme. There has been an air of unfriendliness and disrespect widespread on our meme for months now and it doesn’t promote an atmosphere of community ( ... )


Re: Mod Post sherlockbbc_fic April 3 2012, 17:35:24 UTC
I'm sad to see the rant post go because it was the one place where I got very useful advice for some rl problems and struggles, but I guess the chatter post will do if you mods are alright with it? I mean, Chatter is the place to talk about anything and everything, but I guess it could also be a place where one could seek for advice? One of the useful things the rant post did was being a place where somebody could talk about a problem they were having and get some concrete advice, could we use the chatter post for that? Please?


Re: Mod Post sherlockbbc_fic April 3 2012, 17:37:37 UTC
Of course. That's totally fine.


Re: Mod Post sherlockbbc_fic April 3 2012, 17:41:26 UTC
Fantastic, thanks! :)


TW: Noncon, harassment and possble underage anonymous April 3 2012, 17:37:09 UTC
The reason why Sherlock hates Mycroft so much is because of Mycroft let a collegue sexually abuse him (Sherlock) so that Mycroft would get a higher position in the government.
Sherlock is between 16-18 years old.

Will John find out and what will he do? Will Mycroft be forgiven? The filler decides.


Re: TW: Noncon, harassment and possble underage anonymous April 3 2012, 17:39:07 UTC
might want to save your prompt, nonnie. we're still in a prompt freeze.


Re: TW: Noncon, harassment and possble underage anonymous April 3 2012, 17:46:32 UTC

Mod post at the end of XXVII says the freeze is over and directs people to XXVIII. I think they just haven't changed the banner?


Re: TW: Noncon, harassment and possble underage marill_chan April 3 2012, 17:53:03 UTC
Sorry about that!


Sherlock's knees are less than a thing of beauty anonymous April 3 2012, 17:52:18 UTC
I would like to see Sherlock in Bermuda shorts, ideally actually in Bermuda, perhaps solving crime? Unfortunately, Sherlock's knees are a bit knobbly to pull them off properly, and it's too warm for the coat.

(John, of course, looks delectable in his, and if Mycroft were there, he'd also be properly attired.)


Re: Sherlock's knees are less than a thing of beauty anonymous April 3 2012, 19:54:51 UTC


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Quote prompt anonymous April 3 2012, 17:56:06 UTC
How's your head?
- It's okay. It's not normal though...
It's never going to be.

(Sherlock/John would be great)


Re: Quote prompt anonymous April 3 2012, 17:58:40 UTC
Sorry, didn't realise the freeze is still on :/


Re: Quote prompt anonymous April 3 2012, 19:17:47 UTC
Is it, I can't tell?


Romantic non-sexual love-making anonymous April 3 2012, 18:00:22 UTC
I love fics about an asexual Sherlock and a heterosexual John who are a couple.

I would like to read about them making love in an intimate and physical way, no less intense and satisfying because they aren't feeling sexual attraction for each other.

It doesn't matter if it's snuggling, bathing together, massages, kink or whatever you would like to write.


Re: Romantic non-sexual love-making anonymous April 3 2012, 20:09:22 UTC
I need this in my life!


Re: Romantic non-sexual love-making anonymous April 4 2012, 22:12:48 UTC


Reading Suggestions rairakku1234 April 15 2012, 02:05:33 UTC
you may or may not have read these but I thought I would suggest them becuase it is one of my favorite Series of Asexual!Sherlock and Heterosexual!John fics. Fair warning it was written long before Series 2 came out ( ... )


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