prompting part XXIII

Dec 25, 2011 21:12

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IMPORTANT! Spoilers for aired episodes are now being allowed on this area of the meme, without warning. If you do not want to encounter spoilers, please prompt at our Spoiler-Free Prompt Post.

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prompting: 23, prompt posts

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It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 2/? anonymous January 5 2012, 01:51:01 UTC
Sherlock is seven and Mycroft is fifteen, and Sherlock is doing his homework. It's a minor miracle. Mycroft is yet to find any pattern in the tasks that will pique his interest enough to make him participate, but this one - something insipid about future career paths - has worked, and he's not going to question it. Sherlock shuts himself in his room and writes with enough enthusiasm to break two pencils ("I'll tell you how I knew that from your thumbnail," Mycroft says demurely, "if you eat your sprouts. Yes, all of them." Sherlock wrinkles his nose but does it, because Mycroft keeps his promises) before coming down to dinner. Mummy doesn't emerge from her bedroom at all tonight, so Mycroft makes do ( ... )


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 6/? anonymous January 8 2012, 07:38:23 UTC
"Is he-" It's barely audible ( ... )


It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 7/? anonymous January 8 2012, 15:34:27 UTC
Sherlock is eighteen and Mycroft is twenty six, and it is the fifth time that he has simply walked out of rehab. Mycroft reassures a particularly distressed nurse that she is not to blame. Neither state-of-the-art video systems nor the more traditional burly orderlies have ever stopped Sherlock before; this is to be expected. People do take things so personally ( ... )


It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 8/? anonymous January 8 2012, 15:36:37 UTC
"Stay out of my business, Sherlock," Mycroft whispers, eyes narrow. "Stop right now." John is lost. Sherlock plows on.

"Stay out? Yes, yes, stay away Sherlock, keep out Sherlock," he repeats, high-pitched and mocking. "It's your people! Your own people! And you'd nod while I spin some nonsense about terrorist kidnapping and then hand yourself straight back to them rather than stay here and accept my help! Is there anything you wouldn't do to keep me at arms length?"

"Of course there isn't!" Mycroft yells back, voice breaking on the words. "You're-" He stops too late. He doesn't have to fill in the unspoken words. Nobody does.

you're my brotherJohn's eyes are on Sherlock's face and he sees the exact moment everything clicks in to place ( ... )


It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 8 2012, 15:40:03 UTC
Mycroft closes his eyes in surrender. "No, I wouldn't." He looks utterly exhausted. John's had time to get used to Sherlock with his guard down; in Mycroft, it's still a frighteningly strange thing. "In any case, I'm not sure where your criminal friend came in to it. I wasn't entirely in control of my senses, at the end." He frowns a little, as if a though has only just occured. "And now no doubt he will hold this over you. Forgive me."

Sherlock's lips part a little, involuntarily, before he presses them together and swallows back whatever it is he was going to say. And that, if nothing else, is enough proof to John that he's not the only one to find it hilariously, tragically ironic that Mycroft can lie there and apologise"Go to sleep," Sherlock says, and John realises that at some point, his hand came to rest on his brother's. "When you wake up, we can make plans ( ... )


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 8 2012, 16:05:57 UTC
Oh, my heart. When Irene mentioned about the Masters, my mind went to similar places too. This is deliciously heart-wrenching and very in character. An alternative answer to the question about the identity and the extent of the capability of the Masters that even Mycroft Holmes has to answer to... Now more please!


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 10 2012, 12:30:53 UTC

Thank you so much! Especially for saying that it's in character, that means a lot! ♥ Especially with two such tricky boys as the Holmes brothers.

More coming! Hopefully really soon, sorry, work is getting in the way


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 8 2012, 18:27:05 UTC
Wow, this is excellent! Mycroft is perfect in it, always protecting Sherlock.


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 10 2012, 12:32:22 UTC

Thanks so much! This is definitely all my Mycrift mind-canon let run riot... ♥


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? obscuriglobus January 11 2012, 12:17:01 UTC
Lovely work :)


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous February 1 2012, 12:54:11 UTC

Thank you so much! <3


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? qed_221b January 13 2012, 07:22:09 UTC
Oh dear - that was heartbreaking.
On one hand - it's good to see Sherlock care so much (even if it was really sad to see him so lost whilst John was treating Mycroft). Again, I'm glad he is taking this so seriously rather than just brushing it off.

And Mycroft ;_;
He's so hurt and just a little bit vulnerable and... I really hope he and Sherlock make the bastards behind all of this pay (or at the very least, make them stop.)

And what's Jim playing at anyway? I don't know, but I trust him just about as far as I can throw him >:(

Anyway - as you may have gathered, still loving this and my sincerest apologies for taking so long to review (Damn RL)
I wasn't waiting for a bus this time but if I were, I dare say I would have missed it, so congratulations on a brilliant update and I can't wait for more :D


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous February 1 2012, 12:58:13 UTC

thank you so much for this comment! And so sorry it's been so long ;_; I've been been staying somewhere & not able to get on lj for a while

Sherlock is indeed wanting to make some bastards pay, if only Mycroft'll let him... I'm glad you like vulnerable!Mycroft. Gatiss always seems slightly vulnerable, to me, when he's trying to communicate with Sherlock

anyway, more up, and the last part coming v.v.soon

thank you again! <3


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 14 2012, 08:15:31 UTC
*gasp* this is wonderful! very IC...i could practically feel the tension between the Holmes....can't wait for more ^_^


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous February 1 2012, 12:59:14 UTC

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like the Holmes dynamic, I'm such a sucker for these two :D


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 15 2012, 06:04:17 UTC
Just caught this today. I love the way you've woven in the pirate back story and the tension and suspense you've built. Adding this to my bookmarks in the hopes of seeing more.


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