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Comments 8822

Based off of that scene in Tangled anonymous November 23 2011, 01:06:27 UTC
Moriarty has Sherlock and John in his clutches yet again - or, an alternate ending to TGG, I suppose.

He makes Sherlock and offer - come with him, see the world and watch it burn.

Sherlock refuses, until Moriarty offers his incentive. Either he goes, or John is gunned down by the snipers waiting in the wings.

He has two minutes alone with John to decide. Here's where the dialogue comes in.

TL;DR Sherlock: I can't let you die.

John: But if you go with him, you'll die.

Happy ending please!


Re: Based off of that scene in Tangled anonymous November 26 2011, 21:44:09 UTC
Oh, I like this. It could turn out to be a great story. Let's hope somebody will take this one. ^^


When Molly Met Lestrade meredydd November 23 2011, 01:10:19 UTC
Pretty much what it says on the tin. They've been playing the hell out of When Harry Met Sally on one of the cable stations here lately and I'd like to see Molly/Lestrade fic based (however loosely) on the movie.


The Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive ilexdarkly November 23 2011, 01:12:31 UTC

While sorting through my old junk, I found this:

... )


Re: The Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive ilexdarkly November 23 2011, 14:08:26 UTC
That looks like something Sherlock would have pinned to wall, with a screwdriver or pocket knife.


Re: The Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive ilexdarkly December 9 2011, 08:51:25 UTC
That's me. It's probably why I get on with the Holmes brothers so well, now that I think of it.


Re: The Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive ilexdarkly February 27 2012, 15:49:06 UTC
Reminds me of another epically batshit character-- Miles Vorkosigan. Off to go reread that Vorkosiverse minifill on the other bit of the meme...


S/J plus Lestrade plus 'Zelda.' anonymous November 23 2011, 01:19:08 UTC
John and Lestrade become gaming buddies.

They know they're probably way too old to be playing computer games but they've been gamers since childhood and it's just something they love.

When they both start up a game of The Legend of Zelda, John and Lestrade find that their lives are taken over by quests and obvious bloody puzzles that don't become obvious until you've spent 2 hours trying to do the wrong thing! *ahem*

Sherlock is annoyed. Why won't John pay him attention and leave that stupid, tedious console alone?

One day, when there are no cases, Sherlock sits with them in his pyjamas and moans about the game.

That is, until he becomes OBSESSED! And brilliant at it.

(If there's a scene where John finds him playing it on his own in the middle of the night, I will dance for joy!)


Re: S/J plus Lestrade plus 'Zelda.' zanbandia November 24 2011, 03:51:43 UTC


Re: S/J plus Lestrade plus 'Zelda.' anonymous December 3 2011, 12:49:25 UTC

and I think it makes perfect sense that Sherlock would totally dig this game. From the puzzles to the side quests, I'm sure he'll be entertained :))


Re: S/J plus Lestrade plus 'Zelda.' - Minifill lucoloco December 13 2011, 07:03:32 UTC
I'm so sorry, but I'm going to do a minifill ( ... )


Dark!fic, any pairing anonymous November 23 2011, 01:19:13 UTC
Based on the quote:

I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name.


Re: Dark!fic, any pairing anonymous November 23 2011, 01:30:15 UTC
no guarantee it will be good or even complete.


Re: Dark!fic, any pairing anonymous November 23 2011, 01:37:28 UTC
Woot! *Sends inspirational vibes your way*


Re: Dark!fic, any pairing anonymous November 23 2011, 01:30:47 UTC
'Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin...'



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