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Re: S/J plus Lestrade plus 'Zelda.' - Minifill lucoloco December 13 2011, 07:03:32 UTC
I'm so sorry, but I'm going to do a minifill...


At 5 am, John woke up and walked downstairs to the sounds of grunting, two separate voices, Sherlock and... a familiar voice but he was blanking.

He found Sherlock sitting in front on the television, completely lost what he was doing. Hadn't even noticed John walk into the room.

John and Lestrade had set up an old Nintendo 64 and had Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in it, for nostalgia's sake, and after mocking them both, Sherlock was playing it quite intensely.

"Oh, you started your own game?"

"Hmm? Oh, hi John. No, this is yours."

"My save fi- Sherlock! That was my game! Where are you?"

"Fire Temple"

"Fire Temple? I didn't even get to do the time jump thing? Come on, Sherlock!"

"Oh relax, you can start over, there are two other save slots..."

John simply clenched his fists since he knew pointing out the obvious would somehow receive a scoffing anyway.

"And Sherlock, how'd you pick it up so quickly anyway? Yesterday, you were speaking about idiotic this was, and how you'd never waste your time doing this."

"Oh well, it's just puzzles and fighting, not very difficult to pick up. And I figured there might be some sort of use... to knowing how to play..."

John, though still very angry, relaxed a bit, when he realized that Sherlock was actually simply curious about the game, and was really enjoying it.

Later that day, John relaxed since it really was only a game, and he couldn't help find it somewhat endearing to see Sherlock get so focused when playing it.

And John (and eventually Lestrade) was impressed and unbelievably jealous when Sherlock beat the (god damn fucking) Water Temple in less than a day.


Hope this suffices.


Re: S/J plus Lestrade plus 'Zelda.' - Minifill lucoloco December 13 2011, 07:52:23 UTC
I know this is fiction because even if you're Sherlock 'Effing Holmes it's impossible to beat the Water Temple in a day. That temple is pure evil. IT WAS PROBABLY DESIGNED BY MORIARTY. :D

This was cute! Make them play Majora's Mask next--now that's a hardcore game.


Re: S/J plus Lestrade plus 'Zelda.' - Minifill lucoloco December 13 2011, 18:17:25 UTC
Ha, no I know that less than a day is impossible if you actually do the level. Miyamoto was apparently haunted by how hard the level was.

I wanted to end it with some weird exaggerated ending for some reason to emphasize how good Sherlock got at it, and I was wary about using one day instead of two, but the other options I had were a broken TV, or John getting a concussion caused by an N64 console.

Glad you liked it!


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