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John's an unknowing kept man. anonymous October 14 2011, 03:27:09 UTC
Little by little bills, rent, and other living costs are taken over by Sherlock. John doesn't really seem to focus on it until one day Sherlock starts buying John's clothes. It's at that point that John realizes he's a kept man.

Sherlock is confused at John's sudden realization, given that that's how he's lived his adult life: if Sherlock wants anyone to stay, he pays. It usually works for a while until not even the money is enough to keep people around.

Cue a bit of angst and John trying to convince Sherlock he doesn't need to do that with John. It's a bit hard for Sherlock since the money tends to buy some temporary security of people staying -- without that aspect, Sherlock is anxious about John leaving at any moment.


Re: John's an unknowing kept man. anonymous October 14 2011, 04:33:41 UTC


Re: John's an unknowing kept man. littlemissaily October 14 2011, 06:46:35 UTC
I wanted to tell you that I'm working on this already. I've made it into a 5+1. I need to go to bed now, but I'll post at least one part of it tomorrow.


Re: John's an unknowing kept man. vash137 October 14 2011, 08:00:45 UTC
I'm so glad you're writing this and I can't wait to read it!!! (not OP)


Re: John's an unknowing kept man. anonymous October 14 2011, 12:31:12 UTC
Yay! I look forward to it! (Also not OP)


Re: John's an unknowing kept man. anonymous October 14 2011, 13:19:32 UTC
OP here and I'm THRILLED! \o/


[Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1a/6) littlemissaily October 14 2011, 15:48:32 UTC
"or Five Times Sherlock Pays for Something Without Telling John, and One Time John Says something about it"

John has just sat down at the desk in the living room when Sherlock walks in. John had intended to go through the day's mail -- in fact, he already has the electricity bill open and is perusing it -- but Sherlock is apparently disagreeable to that. God so help it if the poor doctor actually wants to get something done in this flat.

Sherlock swiftly crosses the room -- doesn't even bother shedding his coat, despite the heater being up in full -- and snatches the letters out of John's hands. He literally snatches them. John barely has the thought to sputter before Sherlock goes through all the mail like he already knew what each of them is. (Knowing him, he might have known simply from noticing the scent of the paper or something like that ( ... )


[Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1b/6) littlemissaily October 14 2011, 15:50:05 UTC
John is so focused on the letter from his mum that he almost doesn't catch Sherlock's shift of voice as he talks about the electricity bill. That's Sherlock's experimenting voice. The last that John heard it, Sherlock had chosen to test blood stains on John's favorite tie. That voice is not a good voice ( ... )


[Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) littlemissaily October 14 2011, 15:51:00 UTC
"Sherlock, did you even check how much we owe the electric company before you did that? Now I'll have to go request them for another bill. Honestly, couldn't you have used that government invitation or the giveaway scam or whatever?" John is resisting the urge to bury his face in his hands.

"Now why would I do that? Those were cheaply made paper, no need to save them. They're better off printed on. And no, I didn't bother checking the amount; pointless information. Also, why would you need to request another bill?" Sherlock actually almost looks confused. Again, it'd be endearing if not for the fact that he has just erased their bloody electric bill"To pay it, Sherlock. I need to know the amount if we want to actually have lights here, or a fridge to keep your bloody body parts from decomposing ( ... )


Re: [Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) anonymous October 14 2011, 16:04:07 UTC
I love how the bill issue gets sidetracked into Sherlock's destructive weirdness. :D


Re: [Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) littlemissaily October 16 2011, 02:12:45 UTC
Oh I know. Sherlock is just wonderful at diverting things and still doing something (destructively) productive at the same time.


Re: [Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) anonymous October 14 2011, 23:37:34 UTC
:D Way to divert John's attention, Sherlock!


Re: [Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) littlemissaily October 16 2011, 02:13:30 UTC
Thank you for your comment. :) And so true. Sherlock is a master of diversion.


Re: [Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) vash137 October 15 2011, 02:06:57 UTC
Great start! Sherlock: genius of distraction!


Re: [Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) littlemissaily October 16 2011, 02:13:58 UTC
Thank you!


Re: [Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1c/6) anonymous October 15 2011, 05:43:14 UTC
D'awwww Sherlock is so proud of himself. <3 I love it.


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