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[Fill] Bills, Bills, Bills (1b/6) littlemissaily October 14 2011, 15:50:05 UTC
John is so focused on the letter from his mum that he almost doesn't catch Sherlock's shift of voice as he talks about the electricity bill. That's Sherlock's experimenting voice. The last that John heard it, Sherlock had chosen to test blood stains on John's favorite tie. That voice is not a good voice.

John cautiously walks into the kitchen, finding Sherlock leaned on the counter with a dropper in hand over what must be their electricity bill and a vial of clear liquid beside it. Sherlock releases evenly placed, small drops across the paper and watches it carefully. John finally finds the voice to hedge, "Sherlock, what -- err -- what are you doing, exactly, with our electricity bill?"

"Ah, John, an acquaintance of mine sent me this interesting chemical he's been testing. When in small drops, it evaporates extremely quickly and it dissolves the ink straight out of paper. When it works, it almost appears like the text is burning itself right off the page and disappearing in small wisps of smoke. Absolutely fascinating. I've been wanting to test this on printed paper. With all of this laser-jet printing now, there isn't even an imprint left once the print evaporates." He lifts the paper to show John, with an almost manic light to his eyes and that slight twitch to the right corner of his lips. It's almost endearing, until John realizes that Sherlock has just spirited away their electricity bill, which John hadn't even gotten the chance to check yet. "See? I've salvaged a very well-made but horribly wasted sheet of paper." The paper is entirely blank.


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