
Dec 18, 2009 16:52

Title: Anomaly Lights ( Read more... )

primeval fic, pg-13

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Comments 17

fredbassett December 18 2009, 10:55:42 UTC
It's Captain Fuzzy again! And lol, Stephen is a furball as well now. *sporfles loudly*

I love the image of Ryan snuggling up to Connor's neck.


sheneya December 18 2009, 11:06:05 UTC
Glad you're liking it still.

As for Stephen, I was thinking Ryan might start feeling a little put upon if I didn't kittenify someone to keep him company.


mysteriousaliwz December 18 2009, 11:30:54 UTC
Love the image of kitty!Stephen with his fur standing up!Nice to see he'e kept the same hairstyle *g*

I don't blame Blade for laughing at the sight of a furious kitten swearing :)


sheneya December 18 2009, 11:47:18 UTC
It is similar to his normal hairstyle.

My head had this image of Stephen going...."Hey, I wonder what this does?"





lukadreaming December 18 2009, 15:23:36 UTC
LOL, I love kitten Stephen with his fur all sticking up! Somehow I can't see him doing cute kitty *bg*.


sheneya December 18 2009, 15:27:11 UTC
You're right, Stephen is a vicious ball of fluff, who just happens to look cute.

As Blade could tell, he's probably going to end up clawed to pieces by the time they get to the infirmary.


sunsets_dinos December 18 2009, 15:24:48 UTC
*falls over laughing* Awwwwwwwwwww. Cute kitties! You made my day with this. lol *fails to stop giggling*


sheneya December 18 2009, 15:30:56 UTC
I'm glad you liked.

Now just take a few deep breathes.


deinonychus_1 December 18 2009, 18:07:44 UTC
awww, and also LOL. I love Captain Fuzzy kitten!Ryan so much, he's just adorable. Oops, now Stephen as well, and with bed-hair still in place I see *grin*.


sheneya December 20 2009, 19:04:30 UTC
Glad you liked the chapter.

I don't think it would be Stephen if he wasn't a bedhair!Kitty.


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