
Nov 15, 2009 21:49

Title: Anomaly Lights

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/Characters: Tom Ryan, Connor Temple, Lester (what's his first name again?), Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Claudia Brown, Abby Maitland, Jon Lyle, possibly implied Ryan/Connor.

Warning/s: Excessive Cuteness, Swearing

Summary: All sorts of weird stuff comes out of the anomalies.

Anomaly Lights )

primeval fic, rating: pg-13

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Comments 57

lukadreaming November 15 2009, 11:27:34 UTC
"So, lets look on the bright side sir, if we can't fix you, I have a niece who'd like a pet to play with."

LOL! I'm now intrigued by this weird light!


sheneya November 15 2009, 11:43:53 UTC
Really, Your icon says Ryan may not be.

Glad you like it so far.


madcatt82 November 15 2009, 11:33:48 UTC

"So, lets look on the bright side sir, if we can't fix you, I have a niece who'd like a pet to play with."

A light hissing sound came from the kittenified captain at the same time as the clear thought. "You wait until I get my hands on a gun again Lyle."



sheneya November 15 2009, 11:45:46 UTC
Thank you, Next chapter should be up in a couple of days.


jaynedoll November 15 2009, 12:04:38 UTC
That was intriguing.
Now I'm imagining it the other way round with Connor being turned into a cute fluffy kitten but I have to say I think it's more interesting the way you've done it - how is Ryan going to cope with being all fluffy and having Connor petting him every 5 minutes? *g*


sheneya November 15 2009, 12:26:10 UTC
I believe I've read a Connor!Kitty story already, but I really wanted to do kitty!Ryan, it was inspired in a comment where I posted this picture.

... )


fififolle November 15 2009, 13:25:43 UTC
OMG!! So adorable! *squishes Ryan gently*

*has an incredible urge to use it to make an icon saying something like 'That's Captain Kitten to you.' or something*


sheneya November 15 2009, 13:31:57 UTC
Well, I know I would nab it, if only to put with the fic.


(The comment has been removed)

sheneya November 15 2009, 13:28:11 UTC
Thank you.


fififolle November 15 2009, 13:22:37 UTC
OMG!! This was brilliantly funny, but now I'm SCARED!!
The cussing kitten is adorable *g*

"Uh...Lyle, could you point that somewhere else."
This came from a very nervous Connor.

But it really is serious, and now Connor is hurt too! *meep*
More please!!


sheneya November 15 2009, 13:30:11 UTC
Thank you, I do my best.

The next chapter should be up in a couple of days.


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