
Oct 21, 2009 12:13

Type: Oneshot ( Read more... )

nc-17, flashforward fic.

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Comments 24

starxd_sparrow October 21 2009, 14:19:05 UTC
Redirected from fandom_betas.

Demetri's heat clenches around him.

Pop pop pop, 1 2 3, three bullets, but they'd gone into Zoey's chest, not Demetri's.
*one two three (not exactly necessary, but usually it's best to spell out all Arabic numerals lower than 100)

Olivia was gone, she'd set her future in stone before Demetri would have been murdered, the impact of this had been massive.
*Olivia was gone; she'd set her future...

Mark had stopped Demetri's future, Olivia had set her's in stone, the future had changed, but it had stayed the same.
*hers in stone; the future...

bite-marks, scratches, a barely perceptible hitching step
*Bite marks, scratches...

Normally, I don't like when things aren't written in paragraphs, but I sort of like it here! It was a great stylistic choice given the nature of the show. Nice job!


sheneya October 22 2009, 01:32:59 UTC
Thank you for helping, I'll fix them now.


poedgiraffe815 October 26 2009, 20:04:38 UTC
OMG!! Finally!!! Someone wrote slash for this show!!!!!! I've been pining over Dem/Mark since the first episode. THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! You made my day!


sheneya October 27 2009, 04:57:18 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, I felt those two fitted together quite well for a slash pairing, but they also fitted with their female counterparts.

it makes for an interesting dynamic, especially with the future in play.


srmarybadass October 30 2009, 22:51:10 UTC
OH THANK GOD SOMEONE FINALLY WROTE IT. I SAW THIS PAIRING LITERALLY IN THE FIRST TEN SECONDS OF THE SHOW. (Guy steps out of a burning car, looks around at mass destruction, and instead of calling 911 or something starts yelling "DEMETRI! DEMETRI!")


*bows down*


sheneya October 31 2009, 07:47:58 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.


laura_trekkie October 31 2009, 02:15:32 UTC
I've been looking on and off for FlashForward fic since around the second ep (I'm waiting for ep six on Monday), but I've not found any until now. Well, that's a lie; there's some on fanfiction.net, but it's all het. Bleh ;).

So allow me to worship at your altar for giving me my first bit of slash fic in the fandom \o/.

I liked it beyond the fact that it was slash, too. I liked how their desperation, grief and relief all came through without really being mentioned specifically. It was all there in the short sentences and paragraphs that gave it a breathless quality. It was also there in the frantic heat between Mark and Demitri and how tightly they held on.

Great stuff. I hope you'll have more bunnies in this fandom.



sheneya October 31 2009, 07:53:51 UTC
Thank you, my bunnies tend to jump between about six or seven different fandoms, and tend to go for either crack, humor, angst or majorly Dark fic, so I'm Sure another flash forward slash fic will pop in sooner rather than later.

I'm glad you enjoy the story as well as the slash.



sexycazzy November 2 2009, 20:35:53 UTC
I like it! When I saw FlashForward for the first time, I immediately saw for a potential pairing for Mark & Demetri - and you wrote it! Yay!

Loved it! You might have given me an idea for a fic story of my own...maybe! ::))

Thanks for a such great story!


sheneya November 2 2009, 21:11:32 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

*Sneaks into your plot bunny cage with carrots and triple choc caramel cookies*


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