
Jan 21, 2009 15:01

It still took another hour for both Ianto's parents to finish arguing, Ianto and Jack where already in bed, Ianto in Flannelette pajamas, Jack, strangely enough, also in flannelette PJ's, both sighed in relief as the last refrains of the fight drifted down to their room, finally they could ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

adafrog January 22 2009, 00:10:30 UTC
lol Cute.


classicalsorrow March 1 2009, 08:43:28 UTC
I'm waiting for a "Your Mom's hot" joke


sheneya March 2 2009, 01:35:01 UTC
Maybe later, but Ianto's been trying to get his family and hold them together, if Jack pisses him off, he may withold sex, I don't think Jack's that stupid.


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