Fic: Unsaid (1/2)

Oct 19, 2009 21:22

Title: Unsaid (1/2)
Author: d_sieya
Spoilers: The Gothowitz Deviation
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for cussing
Word Count: 5,628
Disclaimer: Blah blah blah I wish.
Author’s Note My contribution to the October Challenge! :D Actually it’s a sequel to my own fic, that I was bribed persuaded into writing. I’d recommend reading it first because it’s referenced a lot, so. I’m actually really glad I’m doing it, because it deals with a lot of repercussions of ‘Calling Bluffs’ that I didn’t really think about when I first wrote it. That’s why this is all... multi-chaptered and stuff. Ideally this will end at two chapters, but this first part ended up inordinately long, so it might extend to three chapters. Hopefully only two, though.

1. Calling Bluffs
2. ( His inner voice politely didn’t mention that he had also chosen to forgo romance and intimate relationships because they were, on the whole, quite frankly beyond him. )
3. Unsaid (2/2)
All @ graygeese

fan: fiction, rating: pg-13

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