
Jul 10, 2009 17:41

Haha! Sorry couldn't resist the title and it seems to aptly describe what I've been feeling over the last few days. I've actually ran out of drawing paper, arrrgh!

So here I am with lotsa arts (and as per the advice of others, I will not say the word AGAIN....oops!)

Here are some little previews:



Just a little photo manip I did for my fanfic, "The Virtual Coitus Sublimation". You can find the fic at or by clicking on the image above ;)

Title: "Guess What?"
Description: Inspired from
rj_anderson 's fanfic, " The Potted Orchid Proposition". Extreme spoilers, but I couldn't resist myself. I thought this was one of the funniest endings I've ever read! I also decided to integrate Sheldon and Pennys costume from the episode "The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition". And the other guys..."The Work Song Nanocluster". Admittedly, I was too lazy to color the guys so I decided to go for the "you-look-as-white-as-sheet/you-look-like-you've-seen-a-ghost" mood for them.

Title: "Skinny Dippin' 2" or "Can't Sleep"
Description: Inspired from "The Vegas Renormalization", this is my take on exactly why Sheldon and Penny couldn't sleep, haha! Also, after I released my fanart "Skinny Dippin", a lot of people both in DA and LJ had contacted me to give a bigger image of the original Skinny Dipping image. Turns out my brain worked out a different scenario, and I believe definitely a lot better than just enlarging that original image.
Sheldon's Skinny Dipping line is really one of my most favorite. It's so funny how whenever he's upset, he suggests something sexual to Penny. I don't believe this was the first time, there was another moment of theirs, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember it...unless you count the "Friends with Benefits" part.
Oh, to those who hadn't caught on, here's what Sheldon said to Penny when she suggested he eat dinner in her apartment:
"Sure! Why not?! And after the sun's down, we can all pile in my pick up and go skinny dippin' down at the crick!"
So of course, the above image shows how much that line stuck. To Sheldon and Penny, it's like "Why the hell did he/I say that? Now I can't stop thinking about it!" or something to that effect haha!
Lookee me, discussing so much about this image. It's currently my favorite so humor me, haha!

Title: "The Creek"
Description: (mostly copy pasted from above, yeah, I'm lazy) Inspired from "The Vegas Renormalization", and my fanart "Skinny Dippin", a lot of people both in DA and LJ had contacted me to give a bigger image of the original Skinny Dipping image. Turns out my brain worked out a different scenario, and I believe definitely a lot better than just enlarging that original image.
Sheldon's Skinny Dipping line is really one of my most favorite.
Oh, to those who hadn't caught on, here's what Sheldon said to Penny when she suggested he eat dinner in her apartment:
"Sure! Why not?! And after the sun's down, we can all pile in my pick up and go skinny dippin' down at the crick!"
So of course, the above image shows how much that line stuck.
It looks more like a pond though, sorry haha! I lost my natural brushes, I need to download more...

And then....tantananaaaaan! Another TBBT comic!!!

Title: "Penny Strikes"
Description: The comic speaks for itself haha. It's actually the sequel to my first TBBT fan comic, entitled "Who Misses Who?". You can find it in . That's the "Glacier Incident" mentioned by Raj. Sheldon's getting worse and worse by the day in the arctic, haha.
There's another one coming. I'm actually thinking of making this a 4 part comic sequence, so there might be a fourth one on the way (I already did the third one).

Whew.! Long loooong post! Hope you guys enjoyed this! ^_^

fan: art

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