S/P Arts...AGAIN...

Jul 08, 2009 09:08

Well guys, here I am again, posting three new Sheldon/Penny fanart, two inspired from fanfics and one fan comic insipired from an episode. Here goes!



Inspired from the fanfic "Evolution" by mrsvc , this scene depicts the last part of the fanfic. Since it contains spoilers, I can't put the quotes here, but you can find the fanfic at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4731834/1/Evolution . This fanfic has got to be the best I've read anyone personify Leonard. Yeah, you heard me, Leonard. Try reading it!
Also, I decided to adapt Sheldon and Penny's costume from the Work Song Nanocluster, so it's like two inspirations in one ;)


This is inspired from "the Reverse Pygmalion Paradox" by baileyhix . I did a different style of coloring here, to add to the dramatic effect. I am especially proud of this image because it's actually the first time I digitally painted my own background (the banister, trees, skies and stars). I'm still trying to get used to it.

Below is an excerpt of this scene. I already asked permission to post it, as it doesn't seem to contain spoilers anyway.....

He looked up and met her eyes; the look in his was so tortured she nearly had to look away. “This is me, Penny, this is all I am, and this is all I have to give, would it ever suffice?”

When faced with moments like these Penny always thought of movies. “Do you remember Rain Man?”

He looked utterly confused, but analytical Sheldon took over. “Yes, Dustin Hoffman did a passable portrayal of a man with Autism; I believe he won the Academy award.”

She nodded. “Remember when Raymond and Charlie said goodbye, but Raymond couldn't reach out of himself to hug his brother?”

Sheldon nodded.

Penny leaned in and touched her forehead to Sheldon’s.

They stayed there for a while; she was not sure how long.

“Is this my answer?”

“Figure it out, genius.”

“Oh, okay I heard yes.”

You can find the full fanfic at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4876376/1/The_Reverse_Pygmalion_Paradox

"Who Misses Who?"

This is inspired from the Monopolar Expidition...but it is what I sooooo want for the opening of Season 3!!!


Surprisingly, nothing as of yet, except a new fanfic, which I'll be posting in a couple of days or so....It's gonna be sexy though haha!

fan: art

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