Mood Ring

May 23, 2011 23:22

Wish to learn something about me?

Okay, here it is - I am a moody lady. I have no control over it. One day I'm decent and happy and the next I'm just, well, down. I don't know why exactly and today is one of those down days - so, to try and get myself out of it, I've decided to do something fun and write up a list of what I am working on fic- ( Read more... )

community, whine, rl, himym, television, sherlock, bbt, doctor who, writing, fan fiction

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Comments 3

noirrosaleen May 25 2011, 06:33:02 UTC

*is blushing*
*had to take breaks during reading*

...although the acronym of the name makes perfect sense with how you feel about it. Well, it would if it was "until" rather than "till". ^_^

I tend to write fic in my head at night when I can't sleep. If I were a wiser girl, I'd GET UP and write it down. I "wrote" what has to be a half-page of Eleven barging in on the end of TGG completely pouty that Moriarty!Master isn't playing to him anymore, with Amy, Rory, and John seriously confused and Sherlock not wanting to admit he's been upstaged by some bloke in a battered old jacket with elbow-protectors, of all things, before my sleeping meds kicked in night before last, and has it made it to Notepad yet? Noooo. >_<

(HIMYM always sounded like a really odd show - I mean, once they've met they've met, right?)


she_burns1 May 25 2011, 15:04:54 UTC
Oh my god - I wish you would write that fic, because it sounds awesome. Moriarty!Master - why have I never thought of that? Really, it's perfect and so fitting!

Thanks for reading the fic - I will probably finish it at some point 'cause I hate leaving WiPs, but it's hard to get back into the mindset of where I was when I started the fic because of my damn esteem/paranoia issues. *shakes head* So annoying!

HIMYM is actually a lot like Friends but I like it better - it was weird that I had a dream where I hooked up with Ted because a lot of people comment on how I'm like Lily and my guy is like Marshall - anyway, it's a pretty fun show - not fantastic but I do enjoy watching it now and again.


noirrosaleen June 1 2011, 10:01:55 UTC
Y'know...I think I'll at least start it tomorrow. It's been terribly neglected. I've heard of both Moriarty!Master and Sherlock!Sane!Master before, but I'm not sure I remembered to bookmark them... I'm a little more comfortable with the idea of writing Ten, since I had a director/teacher (NAMED DAVID, scarily enough) who looked/acted JUST like Ten, so it's easy to "hear" him, but I've got him linked to another prompt languishing in my personal prompts list. So, Eleven, Amy, and Rory pop into the pool scene...(oh gods it sounds like a bad joke)

I hope you do! It really does read well, and I'm fairly picky about my reading. I wish I could help...

I am Not A Fan of sitcoms in general. Scrubs I could somewhat handle, but mostly sitcoms make me shudder and run away; I feel TOO sympathetic when people get into awkward situations. Big Bang Theory I couldn't be in the room for for five minutes, if that tells you anything. I don't know what Friends is like, but it's on my list of Things I Don't Think I'd Like. 0.0 I adore NPH, though...


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