Mood Ring

May 23, 2011 23:22

Wish to learn something about me?

Okay, here it is - I am a moody lady. I have no control over it. One day I'm decent and happy and the next I'm just, well, down. I don't know why exactly and today is one of those down days - so, to try and get myself out of it, I've decided to do something fun and write up a list of what I am working on fic-writing wise. It's all Sherlock BBC (no big surprise there) and most of it lives in my head far more then it lives on paper/computer screen - hell, lord only knows if I'll ever get to writing it all up properly - still! Here we go:


* Cat's Cradle - This is close to done - it's fluff - somehow I've become addicted to writing fluff for a show that is so far from fluffy it is ridiculous. Sherlock and John get saddled with a kitten - it sounds insane, I know, but I think I've actually made it kind of good? I don't know - I don't hate it so far, so that's something.

* Curse of Connection Series - should be one more part, but my brain may spawn it into more - somehow this simple fic somehow transformed into me wanting to address all the potential issues one might find in the whole idea of Sherlock/John.

* Not Till the Sun Excludes You - *sigh of doom* Okay, so, I got charmed by the prompt on the meme and it is now killing me. I now hate this WiP with every fiber of my being. I think it's poorly written and I can't seem to finish it, but I want to because I don't want to disappoint the OP - I really need to have things written all the way out before posting - I had this same problem with both 'Pause' and 'Camera Obscura' - I finished both of those two and still look back at them with a sort of 'I could have done better' feeling. Not to mention I am not helped by the paranoid feeling that this prompt is talking about this fic - I know I am being perfectly ridiculous, but there you have it.

* Pub Night sequels - 'Pub Night' has not one, but two sequels in my mind - both of them with that same humor/serious tone - and both with more drinking/games - part two will have truth or dare, so, you know, there's some fun in that.

* First Kiss - No title, but I have started tinkering with this, too - again with the fluff - Sherlock and John experimenting with kissing - doesn't get much fluffier than that.

* Gender!Swap - Okay, the first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a gender!swap and, humorously enough, I actually have yet to clean it up and post it here in my LJ. It was called 'Odd Lady' and saw Sherlock turned into a woman thanks to magic!science. I want to write another fic in this vein but have it be John this time and it be a lot longer - because John would so not taking being transformed into a woman well. I even have someone making up a fic banner for this one - that's how much I am all about writing this one at some point.

* Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered - next to fluff, I apparently like taking Buffy episodes and transfering them over to the Sherlock fandom. I did 'Hush' and now I want to do this one because I really want to have John do a spell where everyone falls in love with him save the person he wants to fall in love with him (Sherlock). I thought of doing this the other way around - Sherlock casting the spell so John would fall in love with him but John just seems to fit better - again, it's just an idea in my mind as of right now - the things Lovestruck!Moriarty says to John in particular stick out in my mind now and again - dialogue always comes the easiest when I write.

* Coraline!Mashup - By god, someday I will finish this!

Past that, here are a cheery views on my recent television watching:

Doctor Who: 'The Doctor's Wife' was the greatest episode for Eleven EVER. I honestly don't think they'll ever make an episode I like as much as that one. Granted, it's Gaiman and he's god, but still - just, I can't even say enough good things about this episode.

Game of Thrones: This show is by no means flawless, but I like seeing it in connect to the books, which I've read, so there's some fun there. And it's the first show with sex and nudity that hasn't made me cringe too much - so, yay? Also Tyrion, as always, is awesome. I adore Peter Dinklage - he nails the character perfectly.

Community: Okay, I liked the finale, I did. But, well, first, it was surprisingly sad. I never really had as many problems with Pierce as others did - he made a good bad guy and sometimes you need that - especially since they don't seem to really have any clear plan for Chang but, then the thing that bugged me most? I am kind of sick of how they keep yanking Annie's chain:

* she's interested in Jeff, gets rejected
* she's interested in Rich, gets rejected
* she's interested in Black Rider, gets rejected
* she's interested in Abed, gets rejected

See the pattern? I'm pretty sick of it. I'd like to see her in an actual relationship that lasts more than one episode - kind of like she had with Vaughn and hey, I hear he might be coming back? I'd also like that for Britta - Jeff out in the cold? I'm pretty much up for that.

Big Bang Theory: Raj/Penny? I am very much interested in seeing where this goes - if it goes anywhere, which, hopefully it will - I hope it's not all just swept under some rug.

Last - I had one of the most surreal (and kind of awesome?) dreams ever. I remember (quite vividly, in fact) that I was wearing a black tank and jeans and running through some college hallway when I ran up to - of all people, Ted Mosby (From 'How I Met Your Mother'), and I thought he was really rather cute (which is odd, because I don't find Josh Radnor all that attractive).

Anyway, I called him 'Professor Mosby' and asked him about his class, saying I was thinking of taking it next semester but had some questions first. He answered them and I told him I would probably sign up and then made some mention about how I hoped he had a good evening with his wife or girlfriend and he said something along the lines of how he was single and I blushed and said 'Oh, well, okay'.


In conclusion, my moods are weird.

community, whine, rl, himym, television, sherlock, bbt, doctor who, writing, fan fiction

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