Fic: More Than Words

Oct 14, 2008 18:59

Title: More Than Words
Author: she_burns1
Pairing: Bret/Jemaine, references to Bret/Coco
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jemaine and Bret run into someone at a birthday party.
Disclaimer: I do not owns the ‘Flight of the Conchords’ or anything connected with them.
Spoilers: After ‘The Third Conchord’.
Prompt: un_love_you #20 - I hate you, you bitch.
Notes: This fic is highly unbeta'd!!! So be warned! I had to go without a beta in order to get this out on time for beansidhe_baby's birthday, which is today, so Happy Birthday, beansidhe_baby!!! She asked for a fic where the boys are at a birthday party. I tossed in the un_love_you prompt ' can? So, enjoy!

“Hang on; whose birthday is this again?”

“I told you, Bret, I don’t know. Some friend of Dave’s. All he told me was that she was from Ireland like us.”

“New Zealand.”

“I know, Bret,” Jemaine said, his tone cynical, “Anyway, I haven’t seen her yet. I just figured you and I should come because it’s a party and, obviously, there are girls here.”

“And cake!” Bret said excitedly as his eyes lit on a small table Dave had set up. Cake was sliced up and on paper plates. He swiftly grabbed one and started digging in. Jemaine rolled his eyes and looked around the room. The lights were very low and loud music was making everything not heavy or bolted down shake vigorously. He started checking out the various girls floating about, his mind ticking off how they looked.




Kind of cute.

Ergh. No.




Jemaine stopped on the super hot girl, who was walking over to Dave and some mousy brunette. In fact, the brunette looked very, very familiar. At first Jemaine couldn’t place his finger on why, but once he recognized her it hit like a ton of bricks. Oh no, it was Ono! Where was Bret?

Jemaine looked about frantically for his friend. Bret was walking towards him, his eyes focused down on his cake. Jemaine stepped rigidly in front of him, trying to block his view, “Bret! Hey!”

“Jemaine, you should try this cake. ‘S awesome.”

“Yeah, yes, I should. In fact, you know, I should get a piece and we should go home. I can eat it there. Yeah, that sounds great, right? Flippin’ fantastic, so, let’s go-”

“Jemaine, we’ve only just got here. What’s with you?”

“Nothing, nothing, just, you know, homesick.”


“Yes, or, um, just sick, yeah my stomach's a mess, let’s leave-”

“Jemaine, you’re…acting kind of funny.”

“No. Nope. No, no, not at all funny.”

“Yes, very funny…why are you…standing like that.”

“Like what?” Jemaine asked, his hands on his hips as he tried to make himself look bigger, just in case Bret should some how see around him. But doing this only incited Bret into trying to look around him, curiousity sparked, “You’re standing like…something is behind your back. What’s behind you?”

“Oh, you know, nothing of interest. Just, uh, Dave. Yeah and Dave, you know, he’s not why we’re here. Nope. Here for girls and we’ve seen them, so, time to go home now. We should get in some practice.”

“I want to see Dave. I should at least say ‘hi’ before we leave. Tell him this was a good party.” Bret said and, being the slighter and therefore, the quicker, of the two, managed to weave his way around Jemaine who let out a cry of protest.

Bret’s eyes widened considerably when he saw Dave talking to Coco. He pointed a finger at her, “That’s-”

Bret didn’t get to say much more as Jemaine, being the larger and therefore, stronger, of the two, managed to grab Bret’s elbow and wheel him away. He looked around in vain and, the exit being blocked off by a group of people, went for the next best thing and shoved himself and Bret into a closet.

They were both crammed in the dark confines of the closet before Bret managed to finish his sentence, “-Coco. Coco’s here.”

Jemaine sighed, defeated, “Yes.”

“Well…what’s she doing here?”

“How should I know? She must be a friend of a friend or something. Maybe she knows the birthday girl.”

“Maybe she is the birthday girl.”

“Bret, she’s not from Ireland…or New Zealand…Yoko’s from-”

“Don’t call her that!”

Jemaine’s eyes rose to the heavens and he was glad Bret couldn’t see it, “Look, the point is, she’s here. So, we should leave.”

“Yeah, okay, but-”

“No. No ‘buts’.”

Bret ignored him, “But maybe I should talk to her. Just talk to her.”

“No, Bret.”


“Bret, if you talk to her you two might get back together.”

“…and that’s a bad thing, why?”

Jemaine licked his lips, not eager to give his real reason as to why it was a bad thing, so instead he took the easy answer, “She’ll break up the band. You’ll quit again.”

“I’ll quit now if we don’t get out of here.” Bret said as he became more aware of the frightening fact that they were in the dark in a small, enclosed closet. His back was against one wall of the closet and Jemaine’s against the other. A pack of hung coats were behind them, but near enough to be stifling, and Jemaine’s long legs were weaved throughout his own, making him uncomfortable. Jemaine was…too close.

Bret fumbled for the knob and, finding it, gave it a turn, only to be startled as nothing happened, “Jemaine…the door.”

“What about it?”

“I think it’s stuck!”

“What? Let me try.” Jemaine tried the knob now, jiggling it furiously only to find it very resistant, “Is it locked? What on earth-”

“Help! Help!” Bret cried out and banged on the door only to get no response.

Jemaine sighed, “Don’t think they can hear you. The music is pretty loud.”

“Flip! Flip…we’re going to die.”

“No, we’re not Bret.”

“We are! We’re going to die in here!”

“Bret, be realistic.”

“We’ll run out of air…or food…or water…or the closet monsters will eat us!”

“No such thing.”

“I can hear them now,” Bret whispered, his eyes looking frantically at the back of the closet, “They’re growling…moaning-”

“I think you’re actually hearing sounds from Dave’s bedroom,” Jemaine said dryly, “It’s right next to this closet…at least someone is having fun at this party…”

Bret let out a sad breath, “Oh. Right.”

Jemaine couldn’t see Bret’s face, but he knew it was most likely heart breaking, so her reached out a hand until he found Bret’s shoulder. He nudged it a few times, “There, there.”

“Maybe it’s Dave…with Coco…”

“Really?” Jemaine asked, absurdly amused by the idea. He tilted his head to one side and tried to better hone his hearing in on the sounds of the moaning from the other room.

Instead he caught the sound of a sniffle and his blood turned to ice. Oh no. He licked his lips, “Bret?”

He heard another wet whimper close to him. Jemaine’s own eyes blurred. Dammit! No, no, “Bret…are you crying?”

“No.” Bret’s voice completely betrayed him. Jemaine ran a hand through his hair and tried not to cry as well. For some reason, when Bret started crying Jemaine did as well, like a chain reaction. Jemaine did not want to cry, especially over this, though, really, it wouldn’t be over the idea of Dave and Coco as much as the idea of Bret crying.

He hated it when Bret cried.

“Bret…hey, hey…don’t-don’t do that.”

“Do what? I’m-I’m not…” Bret broke off into gasping, sobbing sounds and Jemaine sucked in his own breath, steeling himself, “Bret, come on. I’m sure it’s not Dave and Coco in there…I mean…I didn’t even think you still liked her.”

“I don’t…I don’t….”

“Then why are you-”

“Well…I am a bit scared.”

“Are you?”

“The closet…it’s so small and we’re trapped in here! Add that with Coco,” Bret sniffled and wiped at his nose, “Jemaine…do you…do you think I’m…easy to get over.”


“Do you think…I mean…do you think Coco was sad at all when our relationship ended? Or do you think she just got over it right away? That she didn’t miss me at all?”

Jemaine’s brow furrowed as he had no idea how to answer this question. He wasn’t Yoko. He had no idea how the She-Wolf thought. All he knew was how he felt about her. Especially now that she was making Bret feel this way. He wanted to get out of this closet just so he could walk up to her and say, ‘I hate you, you bitch.’

Normally Jemaine wouldn’t call a girl that but, well, Coco fit the description. Especially now, as Bret kept crying quietly. Jemaine wanted to comfort him and so, thinking of his question, offered quietly, “No, Bret, I don’t think you are…easy to get over.”


“Yes,” Jemaine wondered if it was weird to elaborate on, but eventually decided to do so regardless, “I don’t think…anyone who knows you…anyone who has…been with you…could get over you easily.”


“If you weren’t around…I don’t know what I,” Jemaine cut this off so quickly it melted into the next word, “they. They. Would do without you.”

Bret didn’t say anything and Jemaine found himself continuing to speak even though his mind was screaming for him to stop, “I…don’t think they could go on. They would be too devastated.”

“…you think Coco feels that way?”

I hate you, you bitch!

“I’m sure she does.”

Bret snorted, “Or she did. Probably over it now. I mean, I’m over her too, so…it’s okay.”

Jemaine knocked his head back against the wall, the sharp pain strangely soothing, “Good, good.”

“It would have been nice though…to talk to her.”

“To get back together with her?”

Bret shrugged, “I don’t want to be alone.”

“You’re not alone.” Jemaine didn’t know why this came out with such heated vehemence but it did and it wasn’t missed by Bret, who normally, would miss this sort of thing.

“Why are you angry?”

“I’m not, I just,” Jemaine scowled and pounded a fist heavily on the door, “I just want to get out of here!”

“We will,” Bret looked back at the end of the closet, “If the closet monsters don’t get us first.”

“No such thing. Don’t be stupid.” Jemaine hissed.

Bret was taken aback, “Jemaine!”

“Sorry,” Jemaine breathed, instantly remorseful, “I’m sorry, Bret. Sorry, sorry…”

“Why did you…where did that come from?”

“No where. It’s...this closet. That’s all.”

“…you sure?”


“Are you sure it’s not…are you mad at me?”


“Are you sure you’re not mad at me.”

“You just asked that.” Jemaine said through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, but…I think you’re lying so-”

“What if I am mad at you?” Jemaine asked flippantly, “Why would I be? Can you even think of a reason?”

“Um…not really.”

“Think hard.”

“…because you don’t want me to get back together with Coco?”

There was no answer and the dark closet seemed even smaller. Bret spoke quietly, “She and I…we were good together ‘s all. I mean-”

“You were not good together. You pretty much dropped her like a hot rock for Sally and she dumped you and now you want to go crawling back to her-”

“Aw! It’s not like that!”

“It is! And if she does take you back you’ll quit the band and spend all your time with her and I’ll be the one, I’ll be the one, who’s alone! Again!” Jemaine said this much more passionately than he would have liked and once it was all out he clamped his mouth shut and crossed his arms, trying not to look at Bret, which, in a way, was easy to do, despite the close proximity, thanks to the dark.

Bret was completely stunned and couldn’t think of what to say or what to do. He had had no idea that Jemaine felt that way. Bret’s tone was gentle, “I’m sorry, Jemaine.”

Jemaine didn’t answer.

“I…didn’t know you…” Bret licked his lips and turned his attention to the door, caressing it softly. He felt sort of weak all of the sudden and he rested his forehead against the cool wood, “I hurt you…”

Jemaine said ‘its okay’ so softly it was engulfed in the still over powering sound of the music. Bret didn’t know why, but he reached out into the dark until he felt what he was sure was Jemaine.

Jemaine gasped, and the sound was kind of broken. Bret found his arms opening and somehow they were around Jemaine, hugging him. Jemaine held him back, his face pressed into his hair. Bret spoke again, “I won’t…leave you.”

“You will,” Jemaine heard himself say, his face flushing at the confession, “Someday you will…if not Coco than some other bastard girl…”

“No.” Bret lied, “No, no…”

“You will. It’s okay…I understand…”

“Maybe…I mean…you’ll find someone, Jemaine…”

“It’s…too late for that.”

“What do you mean?” Bret asked and suddenly he realized he was petrified and it had nothing to do with the closet or with the possibility of Coco. The fear was choking him as Jemaine drew away and he felt strong, warm hands cupping his face in the darkness.

He couldn’t see Jemaine. He couldn’t see anything and the sound of his pounding heart was louder than any music in the world, “Jemaine…don’t…”

Jemaine ignored him as he leaned down, his lips pressing to his friend’s at last. Bret gasped and started to draw away but Jemaine held him tighter, his head turning just a fraction as he angled the kiss better, his mouth wet and sweet.

Bret just stood there, frozen, as Jemaine’s tongue licked at his lips, brushing over them. Jemaine whimpered, “Please…Bret…let me kiss you…”

Part of Bret wanted to tell him ‘no’ and part of Bret wanted to tell him ‘yes’ but neither part got a say as the door suddenly opened and Dave let out a curse. Bret and Jemaine pulled away from each other instantly but it was too late. Most of the party had seen their embrace, including Coco who shook her head and laughed scornfully, “Figures.”

Jemaine darted out of the closet and pushed his way past people to the door. Bret called after him but either Jemaine didn’t hear him or was ignoring him. Bret was pretty sure it was the latter. He fought to keep up with him. Jemaine got on the elevator and pushed the button to close it.

Bret struggled to catch the elevator before it closed and barely managed to do so. He ducked inside and Jemaine moaned, sliding down to sit on the floor, burying his face in his hands, “Bret, go away.”


“Let’s just forget it ever happened.”


“It was…a mistake, an accident…a heat of the moment thing…”


“I just…just once…I wanted to do it just once and it’ll never happen again-”

“Jemaine, shut up!”

Jemaine did just that and looked up at Bret, who was standing over him, wide-eyed and frantic, “Jemaine…please stand up…”

Jemaine crossed his arms over his legs and buried his face there, shaking his head. Bret sighed, “Jemaine…please…”

Jemaine let out a ragged breath and slowly did so. He wouldn’t look at Bret though. Bret eased himself closer, “Jemaine…”


“…kiss me.”


“I’ll…let you…if you want…” The end of this was caught on Jemaine’s mouth as he quickly pressed his lips back to Bret’s. This time Bret’s lips opened easily and the sound that rumbled out of Jemaine’s chest was indescribable as his tongue explored his friend’s mouth.

Jemaine deepened the kiss a degree, changing the angle slightly, pulling Bret’s body close and hard against him. Bret felt dizzy as he slid his arms up around Jemaine’s neck and he felt heat searing just beneath the surface of his skin.

Jemaine’s hands were uncertain as they left Bret’s hips, ghosting over Bret’s body, scared to touch. Eventually they passed along his neck and his shoulders, returning to his hips again, fingers digging in slightly. The pressure caused an unexpected reaction from Bret, who moaned into the kiss.

Bret realized, rather unsteadily, that what he was starting to feel was desire. The shock of this was such that part of him wanted to pull away and deny it, but a larger, stronger part, was hungry for more and he suddenly found himself kissing back, his tongue meeting Jemaine’s.

Jemaine let out a choked noise as it was almost too much to hope for, but it was happening, Bret was kissing him back. Bret was slow about it, experimental, his tongue gently moving against Jemaine’s and then hesitantly slipping inside his mouth.

Jemaine moaned now, lost, and he knew he was trembling as they kissed. It was hard to say how long they kissed one another in the elevator. Both knew they had probably missed their floor about a hundred times and it was possible people could have even been getting on and off the lift without their notice but nothing had mattered past them, past this.

Jemaine eventually pulled away, resting his forehead against Bret’s, “I don’t…I don’t know-”

“Shh, shh.” Bret didn’t want him to talk. Talking would change everything. He didn’t want everything to change. He wanted to freeze time. To freeze this moment.

But Jemaine couldn’t help it, speaking anyway, “Should I...apologize? Or thank you…or…”



“Jemaine, Jemaine…stop talking…”

Jemaine licked his lips and knew, eventually, they would have to. But instead, for now, he took his friend’s advice and didn’t say another word. Instead he held Bret tighter and Bret held him back and for now, that was more than enough and certainly more than words could say.

So this ended up being a lot more angsty than anticipated. Honestly, I had a sketchy idea of what I would write when I started and I just let it flow or 'let the characters take me where they wanted to go' to be all artsy-fartsy about it.

In re-reading it now (for like the 100th time) I finally notice that I have them in closet. LOL. First off, I am slow and second, the, I swear I wasn't going for some literal thing or deeper meaning or whatever. It just kind of happened.

Also, were this not a birthday present, I don't think I would have ended it on such a positive note, but it is a birthday present. So I left it with, what I like to think, is a promising ending.

Lastly, I don't know if I necessarily captured the prompt of un_love_you completely, as I'm not sure the idea of 'I hate you, you bitch' permeates throughout the entire story, but I think I managed to lean on it heavily enough to make it work right.

Eh, the important thing is I thought it was pretty good and I figure, if beansidhe_baby and I both like it, then I've done my job right. If some of you out there happen to like it too then that's a good bonus! ^_^

NOW! I'm off to write more fics for the un_love_you table!!!

fotc, fotc: bret/jemaine

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