Aw you guys are sweet. i've never really liked my belly. Oddly, now I do! I believe I'm showing already, but I'm extremely sensitive. I've gained 2 lbs but it's probably just water weight. And the "showing" is just bloating, but I see it!
Invest in mother/belly moisturizers soon, and get Ali trained up to apply them. Thighs, too.
Bonus, when applying, if you work in a clockwise motion, say from appendize up, across diaphram, down, under bellybutton, back to appendix, repeat -- that motion is what my Mom always did when we were feeling yurky and it totally helps soothe tummies.
LOL Lordy, lordy. I have no idea what pooch you're looking at. If that's a pooch in your mind, you've got a long 8 months ahead of you. ;) Good luck! I'm sending anti-nausea vibes and happy, healthy thoughts your way.
That's good. But it peaks around weeks 10-12 and it tends to be worse with girls. I was very lucky and never really battled it. I wish you the same but the true test of how it'll go is still a month or so away. Absolute best cure for nausea... keep food in your stomach. Small amounts constantly. Good luck. :)
Build ginger into your diet.sheilaghJanuary 16 2008, 17:27:41 UTC
Have you made the yogi tea without the real caffiene? Sure, it's just spices at that point, but those are some good, good for you spices. Particularly cinnamon and ginger!
Comments 22
(Having had two kids and a love of beer, I'd LOVE a belly as flat/firm as that.)
Bonus, when applying, if you work in a clockwise motion, say from appendize up, across diaphram, down, under bellybutton, back to appendix, repeat -- that motion is what my Mom always did when we were feeling yurky and it totally helps soothe tummies.
Good luck! I'm sending anti-nausea vibes and happy, healthy thoughts your way.
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