Title: One of The Fallen Author:shartae Characters: Orha, Amila Rating: PG Genre: angst, drama Summary: Before the beginning of Magna Carta Orha has a conversation with queen Amila.
First off this isn't my account, it's my mom's. Not that that matters. I wanted to say that I read this. It's awesome! I haven't read many fan fics, but I loved this. I like how the characters remained in character. Many other fics I've read have a tendency to make the characters do and say things that they wouldn't really do or say. Also I liked the mood in it. It found it extremely interesting.
Comments 1
I wanted to say that I read this. It's awesome! I haven't read many fan fics, but I loved this. I like how the characters remained in character. Many other fics I've read have a tendency to make the characters do and say things that they wouldn't really do or say. Also I liked the mood in it. It found it extremely interesting.
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