Title: Days Gone By Author:shartae Characters/Pairing: Aster/Rianna Rating: PG Genre: Angst, Romance Summary: Peaceful days and the inevitability of war...
Title: In the Future Author: shartae characters/pairing: Aka no Ou/Yuya Rating: PG Genre: general, angst Summary/Notes: This is just a little practice writing after seeing the interaction between Yuya and Aka. So ignore the implications of a crack pairing. ^^; though this would most certainly make Kyo jealous.
Title: Templar Tale's part I Author:shartae Characters: Angelo, Jessica Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst, general Summary: During his time at Purgatory Island Angelo ponders about his half brother Marcello and his current predicament.
Title: Pulling Strings Author:shartae Characters: Agreian Rating: PG Genre: general, Summary: Major, Major SPOILERS if you haven't gotten close to the end of Magna Carta. Agreian's plans.
Title: One of The Fallen Author:shartae Characters: Orha, Amila Rating: PG Genre: angst, drama Summary: Before the beginning of Magna Carta Orha has a conversation with queen Amila.
Title: Melancholy Author: Shartae Characters: Hotaru, Kyo Rating: PG Genre: General, Angst Summary: Before Kyo reaches the first Mibu gate to fight Hotaru, what was our little flame master thinking of?
Written for the 20themes challenge that came up a few days back. Haven't had the chance to go over these well so any mistakes you find just point them out to me.