The Best Part of the New Testament

Jan 22, 2012 00:40

Every now and then, I read the bible. Not as a true believer, but as a constant seeker and as (in a minimal, unprofessional way) a scholar. I recently downloaded the New Testament to my kindle. I chose the King James 2009 version because the totally "free" versions seemed to come with an agenda and a dubious translation (not that every ( Read more... )

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Comments 30

seshats_prodigy January 22 2012, 17:27:44 UTC

Definitely not something you see every day! I agree - good for them!

Now, the snarky side of me has to wonder, does this version of the Bible come with the Vatican seal of approval? ~_^


7veilsphaedra January 22 2012, 20:21:44 UTC
Catholics never used the King James. They have their own version, which has been tweaked as they went along -- labeling some apostles 'apochrypha' and completely leaving out others. Orthodox have their versions as well, which accept St. Thomas' gospel and focused more on St. James, than St. Mark. Most accounts of the New Testament were written some 100 years or so after the events they describe, and were transcriptions of oral accounts ( ... )


seshats_prodigy January 22 2012, 20:29:09 UTC

I knew there were different versions and such, and the different flavours of Christianity change parts to better suit their needs, etc...

But, heh...didn't my attempt to be witty fall flat? **smirks**


7veilsphaedra January 22 2012, 20:32:27 UTC
No, it didn't. It just tweaked that Little Miss Know-it-all side of my brain that never really died after I left middle school. She resurfaces once in awhile to regurgitate useless data and fill up column inches.


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sharpeslass January 23 2012, 00:37:17 UTC
Me neither and me too!!!


7veilsphaedra January 22 2012, 20:24:11 UTC
Parental supervision required.


sharpeslass January 23 2012, 00:37:30 UTC
Just so. Heh. Course, this assumes that the parents in question are logical, rational human beings - and that is quite an assumption!!


helliongoddess January 23 2012, 00:38:38 UTC
The one I have, and read when I am in the mood for such things and refer to as needed, is the New English Bible. ( ) It was a completely new translation where a committee of scholars in English academia went back to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts, as far back and as legitimate as could be found, and worked cooperatively to determine the best-possible, least corrupted and biased translation they could all agree on. I have found it both readable and generally devoid of the slant on things you find in a lot of the other revisions. It's not a revision, it's an entire new translation, too ( ... )


sharpeslass January 23 2012, 00:44:03 UTC
I'm not surprised. Athletes have traditionally been the hardest on gay teens in schools. Repressed much? I suspect so. But this gives me yet another reason not to watch football; it is football, yes? All I know is it aint tennis or figure skating - the two sports I'll actually watch. And you KNOW the figure skating community would have stepped (or even skipped, in some cases) up to do that video!!!


helliongoddess January 23 2012, 00:50:58 UTC
Yeah, I'm not a football fan, either. Mr. hg is a pretty rabid one, but we have just agreed to disagree where football is concerned. I let him have his football, and he lets me have my gay pr0n - but hey, we both get big sweaty men grabbing each other's asses, right ( ... )


ext_664560 January 23 2012, 18:23:17 UTC
I subscribe to National Geographic and a recent issue examined the creation of the King James version of the Bible. A fascinating read... apparently King James brought scholars and translators from all over the world, like 50 or so, and they were divided into groups. Each group got assigned a portion of the Bible to rewrite, and it had to pass muster with all the other groups before it was added to the final product. We have those guys to thank for all the little sayings we have today, like "pearls before swine", "labor of love", "leopard can't change his spots", etc.


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