I'm at Heathrow. I have to board my flight in 1.5 hours. Got here 3 hours early expecting delays and crap, but it was incredibly quick. Now I'm struggling to waste time
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Bit of excitement for the evening... the car repairs building directly across from us is in flames. We have 4 fire trucks here, arson squad, police
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Does anyone else have those dvds with the video clip work of specific directors? ie. Gondry or Corbijn? I bought them yesterday and both of them are playing up when I try to view them. Wondering whether its a production error.
Goddammit I just want to watch Mensch right now. It brings back ace memories of my time in Berlin 2004.
I've just been requested to help fill an audience tonight at Bar Open at 6pm. Show is my housemate Jaymies' 'Insert Name Here', which is an hour of the worlds most rejected short films. Shall be great.