Game of Thrones Season 8 Ep 6

May 20, 2019 20:47

Just watched this. Didn't hate it. Didn't love it.

Spoilers behind cut.

I suspect I'm going to forget about this show quite fast. Some time between last week's episode and this, I've managed to emotionally detach myself from it completely - and I was never that emotionally invested in the first place.

It does still annoy me that Dany's descent into madness, or whatever you want to call it, was so rushed (basically, it took place in just one episode), because it makes following her story over the previous seven seasons seem such a complete waste of time. But :shrug:. It's happened now.

At least Drogon the dragon - my favourite character - survived and got to slag the iron throne good and proper before he went.

And at least Mr Mopey didn't end up king. That would've made me irritable, because he's just been so useless this entire series. All he's really done is brood a lot and stab his girlfriend to death.

As for the Starks, Arya's gone to discover America, Sansa's queen of t'north, and Bran - for no reason I can see - is king of everything else. Also :shrug:

Vaguely pleased that Tyrion survived, a bit more pleased about Sam.

Best finale moments: Drogon coming out from under a giant snowdrift, Drogon slagging the iron throne, Ghost finally getting his ears scratched.

A-and that's it really. Hope I don't sound bitter or anything, because I'm not. Vaguely disappointed maybe, but that's all.

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