It Was Wiener Poop

May 14, 2010 20:23

Last Saturday was another fun-filled evening at my favorite Hostile City bar.  There are a number of reasons that people take a liking to one particular watering hole, and there is certainly no shortage of such venues, which range from the grittiest dives to the haughtiest lounges.  What makes Tritone special, is the warm welcome that Dirt and I always receive upon entering, and being treated to nothing less than the best service.  Everyone that works there is a valued friend [whom we love to tip generously], and overall, there is relief in being able to sit down and have some $3 specials [read: PBR and a shot of whiskey] without being hassled.  There's also a couple of regulars that we love running into, and I never have to worry about being there alone, b/c I know that people will always have my back.  There's a small bit of pride that comes with all of this, as I always wanted to have a place to call 'my bar'.

In any event, Fuck Face was asked to perform in honor of Dark Mark's b-day.  Apparently no one else wanted to throw him a party for certain reasons.  Personally, I have no problems with the guy.  First of all he's a bonified Carny, so that makes him auto-cool.  Second, he's a big scary biker guy with a strange sense of humor that can come across as being an asshole.  He's always been nice to Dirt and myself, so I've got no beef.

For some reason, the flyer for the event had to be censored.  Fuck Face and their logo were deemed too offensive to be seen hanging up at the bar.  So Dirt printed out copies of a picture of Walt wearing these yellow 3-D glasses and pasted them over the appropriate spots.  Ridiculous and hilarious all at the same time.

The last time I did any performing was back in January as a present for Telly on his b-day, so I was certainly looking forward to the evening.  Made a new wig since my hair is in a non-wearable state.  After trying the mohawk it got pretty warm out so I shaved the back off.  Had thought about dying my hair black and doing extensions but decided against it.  Would rather save up the money to get my perfect natural red and just hide until the rest grows out more.  Fussing around today, I realized that my fringe can be worn down again, so it will only be a matter of time before I do not have to wear a wig.  To be honest, I want to focus on extension work this Summer and make wigs for other people.

Not going off on a hair tangent right now tho.

Posing in the bathroom never goes out of style. [Oh, and I love the tile in there.]

A little more 'yellow'.

Despite the fact that most days have been lovely - sunny, warm and lots of blue sky - it was particularly windy, and so I had to dig out my Winter coat.  In fact, I should have spent some time getting everything together, instead of trying to find it all at the last minute.  Also changed my mind on the outfit for silly reasons, but would rather play it safe than look like an alt-scene-hooker.

Riding the subway is a small challenge.  The journey takes a lot longer than it did when we lived in South Philly.  When it was nice out, we would walk to Tritone and have fun chatting along the way.  Now it's about 20-30 minutes of spacing out and trying not to jam my house key into the eyes of annoying wastes of flesh.  Usually smoke a bowl before getting on to take the edge of.  While I mostly ignore people, when they are having a very loud conversation or otherwise desperately seeking attention, it can grate on the nerves.  At least it gives me a chance to check out all the awesome underground graffiti.

Tritone was moderately full by the time I arrived, and my stomach was set on dinner mode.  Had a PBR while I waited for that and Dirt went for a quick walk to get his head straight.  Made a ceasar salad with grilled chicken disappear.

Walt was in a happy mood, and even joked with me upon my arrival, trying to prevent me from chatting with Dirt.  [It was the hair.]  He then tells me about a smooth line he dropped on some chick.

Ed and his girl [whose name I still don't remember] showed up, and Dirt dropped in a few moments later.  We downed a beer, then go out with Ed and his girl.  Since it was stupidly windy outside, finding a remote location to smoke was a bit of a challenge.  The four of us huddle together around the corner from a parking lot, looking like a bunch of crackheads fiending for our fix.  *aha*  There's moments of fumbling with rolling papers and trying not to let the weed blow away.  It's worth the smooth flavor and stinky fingers.

Returned to the bar and I wondered out loud why the show had yet to begin.  There were three bands scheduled to play, but one of them failed to arrive.  Son Of A Gun kicked things off, and since they are fairly well-known around these parts, it helped get everyone in attendence in the right mood.  Jim Henry dropped in, since he was just down the street and got off work eary after having a good nite.  Dirt was preparing himself, so I just chilled and had a couple of drinks to settle the food.

Waited for Fuck Face to set up before taking the stage.  Thanks to the sound guy for not doing a check of  the iPod and skipping over the first part of the song.  At least there was a decent crowd, and of the objects I stuck in my throat, they applauded for the sai the most.  It's nice to have an easy set after a couple months of no performing.  Now if I could only figure out how to do it more often.

Noted here that having the Fuck Face banner in the background is totally appropriate.

A very rare shot of 'the bow'.

Colleen and myself were right up front [we're good band girlfriends and always take photos], but I noticed a table of three dudes to my right who were definitely amped for the performance.  They discovered Fuck Face via MySpace and wanted to check them out; plus one of the guys was celebrating his 21st b-day.  How awesome is that?  You get to see a sword swallower and mind-melting grindcore.  Plus he wound up doing guest vocals on a couple of songs.  These three truly represent what it means to support the scene, and really, their energy spread to everyone else, which made the nite even more enjoyable.

There were a couple of flames that Bob and Walt managed to spew before their torches were confiscated.  Unfortunately, Walt's blast - while pretty awesome and well sustained - kind of touched the ceiling, which made people nervous.  It's not always about an owner being a dick and ruining fun.  Sometimes being responsible for safety reasons [and avoiding any sort of fine, which they love to give bars in this city] outweighs the fun, and no one was really mad.

Also, Fuck Face was generous enough to give the people free porn.  Who doesn't love that?

Here's a small selection from the photos I took that evening.  [The rest are in the appropriate gallery on Facebook.]

This is my new favorite photo of Dirt.  =)

The b-day boy [left] and friend hailing the almighty Fuck Face.

Yea, those guys were definitely entertaining.  They wound up headbanging more than anyone else, and had the first two-man mosh pit I've seen at Tritone.  Plus they doused Bob with beer [which I got splashed with as well] and generally made the most of dude's 21st b-day.

Mark was so happy; he gave me a couple of huge hugs and slipped me a sawbuck.  Totally unexpected but always appreciated.  There was a lot of positive feedback that nite, and I have to say it really made me smile to hear it from friends.  Walt even gave me a big sweaty hug and called me sexy.  *aha*

A few hours and couple of Kahlua on the rocks later, we were ready to leave.  Jim offered to pay for a cab so we could avoid the horrors of the nite owl.  However, while he, Dirt and myself were walking to Broad Street, some guy asks if he could talk to me.  Both boys were like fuck no, and Dirt made sure the guy understood he was saying the wrong thing to someone's girl.  Not even sure what the guy even wanted, but it sure was pretty rude for him to assume that I am the type of woman to be 'talked to'.

It was bed for me when we arrived at the house, tho I woke up a couple hours later stumbling around to find Dirt.  He had lost track of time jamming upstairs with Jim.  Smoked a bowl and crashed again.

Next Fuck Face Adventure: Pre-Maryland Deathfest
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