
May 16, 2010 19:13

Since Dirt had to work [extra ca$h] and then do band practice, figured I would round up all the stray thoughts that did not make it into the previous recent entries.

Beginning things with last Friday nite, when Dirt and I were waiting for the Nite Owl after having a few drinks at Tritone.  We see Jim crossing the street, as he had just finished up at his job, and so the three of us wind up on a slightly crowded bus.  After a few stops, two seats open up, and Dirt takes one of them; I move next to him.  Thankfully I had a paper with me and drew my attention to that.  Then I hear what sounds like someone puking on the bus.

What is it with people partying too much?  Seriously.  Either handle your shit or don't do it.  While I have had my share of oh so classy moments of vomitting in public, I can safely say that it was never in such a confined setting.  Could not wait to get off that bus.  Such is the entertainment when you live in the ghetto.

When Dirt and I were hanging out with Suzi, not everything was shit-talking about annoying alt-scene-whores.  In fact, she shared a story with me that made me smile.  It seems that a while back [when I was dating ex #3], she happened to be hanging out with Dirt and asked him how the ladies were treating him.  To which he replied that he liked someone, but I was already taken.  Aside from the fact that we're together now, he should have totally mentioned these things before I made the mistake of going down to Knoxville.  However, I really appreciate hearing this, and it's not the first time either.  Guess I just like knowing how much I mean to someone, and that they had serious feelings towards me for longer than I realized.

To be honest tho, there were little signs that always made me question if we had more than a friendship.  But I was dating and he was too much of a good guy to try and break that up.  Tho he totallly should have.  *aha*

Moving along to other good things that have come my way lately.  Facebook is not as annoying as I thought it would be.  Pretty much all of my friends or people I know have been rounded up, and it's awesome to actually communicate.  Also, some people I kind of lost touch with found me, and that definitely makes me happy.  Lots of plans being formulated, and I cannot wait to get the ball rolling on those projects.

Did I talk about a show I got offered via S. Jenx?  Part of me says I did, but my memory is kind of crappy [thank-you childhood car accident], so I am unsure.  The point is, I had someone who does not even know me that well say I would be one of the stars of the show.  Love it when people can get what I'm doing and others see past those who are in the spotlight.  As she said, it's the quality that is valued, and I can serve that up every minute of the day.

Relaxing in my sun room.

Sunset over the ghetto.

Nice view of rooftops from my sun room.

Today on Facebook, I was surprised to have a friend request from Miranda.  Have not talked to her since before I left for Knoxville back in '08.  Honestly, it always bothered me that our friendship ended on a bad note.  She was there for me many times when I was going thru shit with ex #3.  Shit, she's the first person I did coke with when I moved here.  There were a number of occasions where I thought about sending her a message, summing up how I was in a bad place when we stopped talking to each other, and in no way did I want it to effect our friendship.  Pretty much everyone was cut off at one point, and only those who are my true friends stuck by me, so I said fuck it and just ignored those who did the same to me.

In any event, I thought that she would laugh or not even care that I wanted to be friends again, so I'm really happy that she sent me the request.  Yeah...go ahead and get your giggles in.  At least I have real people in my life and don't get a big head b/c I have a large number of e-fans.

Finally, a reporting of the scene that greeted me while walking to the subway last nite.  Obviously this neighborhood has quite the reputation of violence.  In fact, just Friday nite, someone was shot and killed not too far from my residence.  Most people go into some sort of mode where their paranoia is heightened and panties are wetted when such a thing occurs.  It always makes me laugh when people brag about how they live in the ghetto [tho most of the time are just on the cusp but want that cred anyway], but are the first to admit uneasy feelings around scenes of violence.  Perhaps my many years of walking the streets without giving a shit has proved that I am not scared.  No one has ever tried to jump me, rob me or otherwise fuck with me.  When one has the right attitude, despite what a collection of knuckleheads might say or do, most people recognize confidence and give due respect.

When I saw the flashing lights of a police van, it was just another day in the ghetto.  Then I saw the three cruisers parked on the sidewalk in front of Walgreens, about five or six others parked across the street around McDonald's, tons of officers everywhere and people milling around.  There was no yellow CAUTION tape, crushed up vehicles or any other signs of potential violence, so I did wonder what was going on.  However, my focus was getting on the subway, not being a spectator of something that was none of my business.

Just tried to find some information, but it seems that there is no news of the events as of yet.  This site is pretty interesting tho.

As long as the ghetto birds don't shine their lights in my direction, I have nothing to worry about.

Have I mentioned how precious the moments are when Dirt has a few drinks in him and spews the most interesting, entertaining quips ever?  For instance, after returning home from Tritone last nite and getting our heads straight, I was surfing to find something of value to watch on television when I came across a program called Weird Or What? and was captivated by the title of the episode: Cocaine Mummies.  Apparently, a couple of Egyptian mummies had been tested and were found to contain trace amounts of cocaine.  Which is fairly impossible, seeing as how coke was only available from South America and there was not much record of perilous journeys across uncharted waters in order to party with the white bitch.  Dirt explains the whole thing with one sentence: Of course they were doing coke...they had the hook-up!

Time for dinner, then making an attempt to do some writing.  Kind of behind on my mental schedule, but I am trying to keep focused on getting illustration business settled, so not sweating it too much.
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