underneath the neon lights of a corner store, two boys

Dec 01, 2014 23:47

apologies for my disregard for the rules of the english language

chen/sehun ; 475 words (sorry it's not longer ;;)  ; pg
for 我的朋友 cloudling !! 生日快乐!!

2 am. a few cars still rush down the street outside now and then, but jongdae isn’t expecting much. not many people come through the convenience store at this time. sometimes there’s a flushed man in a thin coat and pajama pants hurriedly buying condoms, which jongdae sniggers at a bit. there hasn’t been anyone in over an hour, and jongdae is quite bored and a little lonely. at least he can sing along more loudly to the songs playing over the speakers.

he’s in the middle of restocking the chips aisle when he hears the bell over the door tinkle and a cold gust of air blows in. “welcome,” jongdae calls out as cheerfully as he can manage. the shuffling seems to be headed towards the self-serve instant ramen section, so jongdae finishes putting neon pink bags of shrimp chips in place and heads behind the register where he can see most of the store.

a tall boy with long, slender legs sits at the counter hunched over his steaming orange noodles. he looks young to be out so late, though jongdae isn’t very good at guessing ages. still, since there’s only one customer in the store right now, jongdae has nothing better to do than to see if he needs anything. it has nothing to do with how handsome the boy is.

jongdae sits down at the counter with the boy and slides a stuffed riceball over. “you should have some rice in your system. it’s better for you.”

the boy realizes jongdae’s spoken to him and looks over cautiously. “i could buy one myself if i wanted to.” he says this like it’s obvious -- not quite obnoxiously, but not completely pleasantly. still, jongdae gets good vibes from him.

he takes another look at the boy and realizes how nice and expensive his clothes are. especially his shoes -- so shiny.

"why are you eating at convenience stores if you're rich?" jongdae tries to make it sound not so rough.

the boy slurps a few more spoonfuls of ramen, and jongdae thinks he’s not going to answer. then the boy speaks quietly.

"because it's never weird to eat alone here. it feels less lonely."

jongdae smiles, a little bit sadly. he’s not one to prod. “can i stay here?”

the boy looks at him curiously and releases a small smile. something in his eyes tells jongdae it’s genuine. “that’d be nice.”

a few days later, this time in the afternoon, the same boy walks in. jongdae’s behind the register and he smiles as he scans all the candy bars that the boy’s buying. when jongdae scans the last one, the boy pushes it back towards jongdae and grins brightly.

jongdae writes his number on the receipt.

text message
this is candy boy oh sehun. be careful not to get any cavities!

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