
Feb 11, 2010 22:07

1) My week (and it isn't even over quite yet) has been one of those weeks where I waste a lot of my time hating myself and doing stupid shit. It's not so much a bad week, as a confusing week, because generally good things have happened. I just feel shit about some things, and I think I've just accumulated a lot of stuff to get depressed over lately ( Read more... )


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shantari February 12 2010, 17:19:24 UTC
Thanks for the Spain! :D

Ah, I was actually wondering while writing how it was in Finland with that.


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shantari February 12 2010, 22:48:26 UTC
Was that sarcasm? :D

Nope. :) Because I was thinkin' "Wait, Finland has Swedish too, I wonder if that would be an issue there too". I really don't know what the real differences between Finland-Swedish and Sweden-Swedish is, and first I thought it's probably the same. But now I have been informed.


silverjedi February 12 2010, 00:44:03 UTC
1. I do that all the time. >_< Not fun. I hope you manage to deal with it. :(

2. You cut your hair yourself? How bad is the half bad? Is it somewhat noticeable? If not, then it'll be fine. It'll grow back. :) I'm guessing it is since you're not too upset about getting it wrong. ^_^

3. I feel that way, too, if I'm in a group project. Not fun. >_< Of course, then I start condemning myself that I'm useless and other fun stuff ( ... )


shantari February 12 2010, 18:16:45 UTC
1) Feel better now, with our group report in. ^_^

2) Eh, it was decent, I was careful cutting it so not too bad. But I got it cut professionally today anyway.

6) Imminent wodden badger attack! :D


sbertie February 12 2010, 03:04:18 UTC
2)lol, omg, NO ONE should cut her own hair! this just seems a veeeery bad idea! ;)

5) Okay. I'm going to disagree. Not with the fact that it's a stupid word, but more with your reasoning as to why this word exists. I don't think it was because anyone thought a gender-specific version of this word was needed. I firmly believe it was coined as a mean joke. As a way to make fun of men who are nurses. Because of course, it's such a faggy/pussy thing for a MAN to do. So I think it was started to mock these guys, and it just sorta slipped into more colloquial ways of talking about nurses in general. Personally, it's the kind of word I've never actually heard anyone use in real life, because it's just kind of a dick thing to call someone.


shantari February 12 2010, 18:28:28 UTC
2) It's not as hard as one might think, but it is difficult to keep it from getting uneven. The real trouble is cutting it in the back, unless you have appropriate mirrors. (Which I did not have.)

5) Ah see, I was pretty sure it was slang/insult rather than official word, but it still bothers me! It's like you have a word that means something, and the word for it in language A is a slur/closely related/similar to a slur of some kind. But in language B there is no luggage for the word, and one can use it freely without anyone having to associate it with a slur. And then some idiot turns the word in language B into a slur, and popularizes the use of it as such. And suddenly you can't use a certain word like you used to and... There was a point to this, but I think it mainly was about how much it sucks to be a equalist bilingual wordnerd. That is not that much of a universal demographic really.


rainbowstrlght February 12 2010, 05:04:22 UTC
(1) That's been my week, too. :/

(2) Hahaha, did that once. Got chastised severely by a hairdresser. If it's anything like my version, one side is drastically longer than the other? Hopefully not.

(4) Why I'm checking my flist, personally.

(5) Oh Gods - MURSE. I never, ever use that word. I agree with the above poster that it was used to mock, more than anything. It's like "manny", probably, in that regard.

Interesting about the Swedish conjunctions, though?

(6) Yep, getting back to what I was suppose to be doing, too. (Writing.)


shantari February 12 2010, 18:42:13 UTC
2) Ah no, I was pretty careful. It just got a bit uneven, and because I didn't dare experiment with the top it ended up a bit bowl cut-ish.

5) Manny? Ugh! Oh yes because real men wouldn't want to take care of kids like real women would, never mind that both genders have a wire in their minds for wanting to have kids. No only pedophiliac men would want to take care of children that are not their own, obviously! (If given an opportunity I bet I could for a whole day about: women are "good enough" for men's work, while men are fundamentally incapable of women's work It's not just the double standards in this all too common thinking, it's all the unfortunate implications.

Oh, and I love playing with Swedish grammar. I even sorta found a way to genderinvert some male-neutral words into female-neutral, which I will use for one of my many writing projects! It will be awsome if the plot would just make up its mind at last.


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