
Feb 11, 2010 22:07

1) My week (and it isn't even over quite yet) has been one of those weeks where I waste a lot of my time hating myself and doing stupid shit. It's not so much a bad week, as a confusing week, because generally good things have happened. I just feel shit about some things, and I think I've just accumulated a lot of stuff to get depressed over lately.

2) Note to self: While a valiant attempt, I'm not yet at the skill level where I can cut my own hair. It turned out about half bad, half good, which is better than it should have I guess. (I'm the kind of loser who wins when she loses, cool.)

3) The only thing I don't like about working in project groups, is the feeling that I don't contribute as much as I should. I can go insane from guilt, even when I have pretty blunt reassurance from other members in the group that I do well enough of me. I just wish I wasn't the procrastinator from hell. (Procrastinator is a funny word, and I wish I knew a Swedish equivivalent. Förhalare, maybe. Except it's not as cool a word, maybe not even a real word since I just person-doing-it-ified a old fashioned verb for procrastinate, so it's not equivivalent.)

4) I'm rambling, which is a sure sign I have something else I should be doing. Like I said, this be a week of doing stupid shit.

5) While I'm anyway rambling, I would like to bring attention to a pet peeve of mine:
An idea existing in the English speaking world that a perfectly gender neutral word needs a male version of it, to distinguish from one's own bias pertaining to the gender of the staffmember who nurses the patient.
This annoyes me because in Swedish it isn't perfectly genderneutral. Nurse = Sjuksköterska, -ska being an ending that makes it a word describing a female person. Now, you'd think that we could just use the male/genderneutral version of the word = Sjukskötare, for male nurses. But we can't, because there's yet another type of hospitalstaff called that. (Which appearantly have completely different work to do, according to my hospital-working secretary-mom.) So male nurses have to be "manlig sjuksköterska" AKA "male female sick-caretaker".
So yeah. Why do you need the word murse?

6) And now to return to that which I really should be doing, but which I've attempted to run away from.


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