
Jan 13, 2011 15:01

Hi LJ! I'm going to start this post off on a serious note, about the floods in Queensland... I don't watch TV, and the radio is hardly never on here at work anymore and when it is, it's cricket and not news. So I really only discovered how severe everything is via Twitter a couple days ago. So I went over to news.com.au and was greeted with dozens ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

purewhitestars January 14 2011, 06:19:25 UTC
i am fairly awesome.


and yay fir inspiring you to do it again!

pay it forward remember woop woop!

i have another 2 this year to live up to my new years resolution. eeep.

but i took the bandaids off this morning (ja. i kept them on, just took the bandages off on wednesday night) because the thought of what was under them was literally making me sick on weds night.. like i almost fainted at the bathroom sink HAHAH I SUCK.

so i took the bandaids off &the nurse really did screw up my right arm! it's got this massive red bruise &i'm like.. !?!?!?! my left one you cannot even TELL had a needle in it!




shannude January 17 2011, 04:02:49 UTC
OH WOW! i love bruises. i always get the most colourful ones!! probably because i never leave the bandages on because they annoy me...... oopsies!


purewhitestars January 17 2011, 04:48:55 UTC
tsk.. you're meant to leave the bandages on to stop the blood flow for awhile!

i have bruises all over me from random things.. i bruise far too easily :p


shannude January 17 2011, 06:30:39 UTC
yeah i bruise easily too :p i got so many moving day bruises!!


nollykin January 14 2011, 14:37:30 UTC
this is the most uplifting and positive LJ post I've seen in a long time.

You are amazing. I am happy to be your fwiend.


shannude January 17 2011, 04:03:06 UTC
Aw thanks Nollymonster!


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