(no subject)

Jan 13, 2011 15:01

Hi LJ! I'm going to start this post off on a serious note, about the floods in Queensland... I don't watch TV, and the radio is hardly never on here at work anymore and when it is, it's cricket and not news. So I really only discovered how severe everything is via Twitter a couple days ago. So I went over to news.com.au and was greeted with dozens of articles, photos, videos... everything horribly captured. There's a guy on Twitter who is posting photos and videos to his Flickr. A 13 year old boy was swept away in a flash flood because he told the rescuers to save his 10 year old brother first. A 4 year old boy was rescused, then drowned falling off of the rescue boat.

The Australian Red Cross say: "Our experience with emergency recovery has shown that affected communities recover sooner when they can make their own choices. This includes choosing and purchasing goods to help put their lives back together again rather than being given goods. Another benefit of this is that money is being put back into the community to stimulate local businesses. This is an important part of the local economic recovery." So! You can donate money to the Salvation Army flood appeal here if you're in Australia, or here if you're overseas.


That being said, last night was pretty okay! Morry didn't come over, but Jade and Sarah and I went to his place to pick up bits and pieces of his old PC for Jade to try and fix. We got home and I decided I wanted to watch Lost & Delirious because I hadn't seen it in years... God that movie is depressing. It was good though. I went to bed a bit before 10pm and didn't wake up until 10am this morning so that was a decent whack of sleep!

This morning I called the rest of the organisations I needed to about changing my address. All I need to do now is go to Transport SA at some stage and change my licence over! I badly need a new photo on it anyway, I have several less facial piercings and have gone from black to blonde hair. I'm even growing my fringe out, so pretty soon it will look absolutely nothing like me!

I also booked in to go give blood next week, Friday at 10:45am. I used to give plasma every two weeks a few years ago, but stopped because I kept getting sick and thought it was something to do with giving away my white blood cells/immune system! I also started getting piercings, and they don't like that.

Felicity however just did something awesome; started donating despite her fear of things under her skin and it encouraged me to get back into it! I'm feeling good, and I think if I give myself a bigger break between donations I should be alright. They told me I'll have to give one donation of whole blood the first time because I haven't been in so long, but after that I can go back to plasma.

Tonight I plan on having an early night, and I may not post too much over the next feew days because I'll have Cooper for the weekend! Mum and Andrew want a bit of a weekend to themselves, so I said I'd take Coop for them. They're going to drop him off to me at 11:30am on Friday and pick him up at some stage late Sunday afternoon. I'm gonna take him to The Beachouse on Friday, the zoo on Saturday and probably just a playground of some sorts on Sunday morning. I have to sleep at mum's because they have pets I'll need to feed but other than that I think it will be a pretty fun-packed weekend!
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