(no subject)

Jan 17, 2011 14:53

Hi guys!

This weekend was HARROWING. Mum and Andrew dropped Cooper off to me at 12pm on Friday, then Sarah, Jade and I took him to The Beachouse at Glenelg. We had to get off the tram halfway there because Cooper needed a toilet (this would become a regular theme throughout the weekend... it seems kids have bladders the size of peas!), so we stopped to get lunch as well.

He was super keen to get on the waterslides on the way, but the second he stepped foot in the place he started freaking out saying he didn't want to go on. That was fine, we took him around a few other activites, found a playgym castle for him to go in and a miniture train as well. He's rather obsessed with trains so he liked that! We went back to the waterslides after that so Sarah and Jade could go on one... as soon as they went and stood in line, Cooper decided he wanted to go on as well. So that was good! Sarah has a touch of hydrophobia so the poor thing did not cope too well; thankfully Cooper didn't see the tears or I doubt he'd have gotten on himself! We went down twice and he seemed pretty happy with himself.

On Saturday we were going to go to the zoo, but just the get into the place was going to cost $45 which is kind of ridiculous. So we took him to this massive playground instead, the St. Kilda adventure playground. Morry came along with us and it was pretty awesome! I have a couple photos but haven't had a chance to upload them yet.

Each day I had to spend the night at Mum's because they had pets to be fed, so it meants a lot of running around in the morning to get back to my place to do stuff. So on Sunday we left Mum's place at about 10:15am in order to get the 10:47am train... It's only a 15 minute walk but I tend to leave extra time because of Cooper. This particular walk we met am adorably rambunctious white labrador puppy, would've only been about 1 or 2 I think. He followed us almost all the way to the train station, which was worrying as that walk is a bit dangerous since there's no footpaths and you need to walk on the road. He was jumping all over us the entire way and Cooper was getting a bit testy about it, so I finally managed to get hold of his collar so I could call his owner to come collect him from the train station.

Sunday we didn't do much, we got home to my house just before 12pm and Lysha came by not long after. Mum came around about 1pm, but was still waiting for Andrew to finish some training thing he had for work, so they didn't leave until about 5:30pm.

Morry came around shortly after that so we could have a bit of a test run for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign we're starting up at the end of the month. It was ridiculously geek-filled fun and I can't wait until we proper start! We met 2 new people who'll be playing with us, Gemma and Morgan and they both seem like pretty cool people. They left about 11pm and Morry, Sarah, Jade and I started to have a few drinks, which turned into a few more, which turned into a 3am bedtime. Today I am EXHAUSTED!

And that was my weekend!
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