Name: Vittoria
Nickname: Tori/Vicky/Vicken/Adalberto?
Birthday: 31st of October
Likes: Metal & classical music mostly. Red wine. Animals; especially one's most people don't eg. crocodiles, snakes, tarantulas etc... Turtles are good too~ Reading. Being outside. Spicy food. Peanut butter cookies. Traveling to weird vacation spots; ie. South Korea, Japan, Singapore. Running around in the rain? That random wood smoky burn-y smell that you can never quite pinpoint... Philosophy & mythology.
Dislikes: Crowded spaces. Spotty shower curtains. Narrow-mindedness. Shopping. Fish (as in the dead, food variety). Eating meat (I'm a veggie in other words~). Children XD. The thing living under my sink... Hugs >___>;;... Most of the time Hobbies: Singing. Horse-back riding. Playing guitar. Off-roading. The gym?
Talents: Ditto the above? Except the gym bit XD
Goals: Ideally, working in something to do with wildlife conservation.
What do you feel your best qualities are?: Determination. Rarely too afraid to say what I think about anything. I can empathise fairly well with others. I like to try & be helpful when I can. I'm adventurous... I got into an old abandoned old folk's home to steal a walking frame once? It was a 20th birthday gift~ Just to put some perspective on getting old kids XD
Your worst?: Stubborn. Short-tempered. Impulsive. Impatient. I find it difficult to be myself around people or share anything I consider personal. Overly-competitive. Total OCD maniac & a perfectionist. I can hold grudges for ages over practically anything.
Describe what you do on a normal day: Mingle with friends/acquaintances, nap, eat lots of cookies, hang around on the net on and off for hours, have a few drinks, watch some of the run-of-the-mill horror known as daytime television... Maybe indulge in one of my above mentioned hobbies depending on the day. Go to work if I have it. Hopefully have some peace & quiet & time to myself if I can get it.
If there was a movie about your life, what 5 bands/artists would definitely be on the soundtrack? Why?:
-Nightwish; I'd like something epic that I could float around whimsically to~
-Rammstein; Nice & violent & likely to terrorise any small children in the vicinity 8D
-HIM; I like them? Random songs about whining over dead lovers are good?
-Queen Adreena - Messed up, crack-addict sounding stuff?
-Jack Off Jill - Ditto?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: Put myself in a position where I can make a difference because I hate being relatively powerless and an insignificant little dot on the face of the earth... Oh yeah & my nose... Because who ever actually likes theirs?
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: Make things more equal. Get rid of a few people in it... 8D; -cough- XD The world's probably too messed up in general for anything else to really work~
Why do you like the anime/manga Shaman King?: Because I wouldn't be surprised if all the characters were secretly involved in a drug ring somewhere?
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Ren, Hao & Jeanne. Can't choose between the three of them. They've all got strong, motivated personalities which I likey.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Tamao. She seriously needs a slap or something >___>;; The whole shy-endearing appeal is totally lost on me XD... Especially as she's probably secretly hiding bodies somewhere What's your favourite pairing? Why?: Oh gawd; the dreaded question. I really couldn't give a monkey's about this to be honest... Anything involving my favourite characters I might be mildly interested in.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: Any involving Yoh, Anna or Tamao. Because they're just kinda blah in general... xD
If you got to choose a character in the series to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: ... ASHIL. Naw. XD Erm, probably Hao or Jeanne. The power thing is always welcome.
How did you find this community?: Google bitches.
Anything else?: ...Did anyone else get totally wigged out by the random moaning noise just before the Babylon Gate opened in the original version of the anime? >____>;;