Oversouls aren't very tasty. D:

May 30, 2009 18:05

Name: Aki
Nickname: Beppe 8D
Birthday: Dec. 13

Likes: Cool weather, rain in the summer, freshly cut grass, unplanned roadtrips, good books, bright colors & loud music.
Dislikes: Small minded-ness, uneven numbers, pens that run out of ink in the middle of writing something important, running onto sidewalks in close-to-the-ground cars, big dogs, murals of fish & small children.
Hobbies: Reading, painting, roleplaying. Babbling about anything from antelopes to albino circus gypsies for a ridiculously long time.
Talents: Police evasion! 8D .../painting. XD
Goals: I lack the ability to look farther than a week into the future. Short-term, I'd like to do a bit of travelling before another four years of my life are devoured by the education system.
What do you feel your best qualities are?: Optimistic. I can bounce back from things pretty fast. Decent listener.
Your worst?: Overly-sensitive. I can jump to conclusions too quickly. When feeling pessimistic, it's a slippery slope-esque situation.
Describe what you do on a normal day: Uhr, in short there is a lot of generic school-y ness and not-doing-a-lot-of-anything and socializing-ish that is mainly 'everyone lies around and naps or drinks'. And livejournal. 8D YEAH I totally have a life.
If there was a movie about your life, what 5 bands/artists would definitely be on the soundtrack? Why?: Pinback, because they're soothing and I sleep. A lot. Nightwish, for that rare epic fighting scene/battle with the mafia. Silversun Pickups, just because they're awesome. The Dandy Warhols, because even if the lead singer looks like a foot, their songs are still amazing. And um. I dunno, Pink Floyd or something, because then the soundtrack would match some of my random posters.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: I'd like to be less easily-intimidated. For obvious reasons. XD
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: The fact that nobody is ever really 'on the same page'. D: Things would be so much less faily if we were.

Why do you like the anime/manga Shaman King?: The story line & characters are interesting & I love Takei's style~
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Probably a tie between Lyserg, Jeanne & Yoh. Because they're all secretly drug addicts. D: ...Well maybe Yoh isn't so secretive about it.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: ASHIL!? D8<; ...I don't have one. 8D
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: Don't have one.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: Don't have one.
If you got to choose a character in the series to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: Someone really random like one of the nameless ghosts in the first volume or Manta's butler mutation, just so I could say that I was. 8D

How did you find this community?: A friend linked me~
Anything else?: Not that I can think of! o/

yoh, stamped

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