Name or nickname: Des
Are you more hyper or laid back?: Laid-back.
Are you more shy or outgoing? Not really either. It depends on my mood. In a neutral mood, I keep to myself, but if someone talks to me, I'll begin conversing animatedly. If I'm too tired, though, I'll still talk to them, just not as cheerfully. If I'm in a really happy mood, sometimes I just go up and talk to someone. Also, I judge who I want to talk to. If I see someone who clearly has something in common with me (for example, if they have a shaman king keychain on their backpack), I would talk to them no matter how I was feeling. And if, for example, I'm in a line for a themepark and I notice the ticket taker has really gorgeous eyes, I would tell her that in passing. If I see something that demands a compliment, I give it.
Do you prefer to work by yourself or in a group? I can do either fine, but recently I've found working in a group to be more enjoyable. You reap the benefits of synergy, and it tends to be more fun - unless your teammates are dead weight or would rather just split the work and then do everything seperately. I don't like working in a group under those conditions.
What musical instrument are you most like, and why? I'm not a very musical person. But I'm gonna say... keytar, because it's an unusual twist on an ordinary instrument, and it's amusing to watch people play them. Either that, or the saxophone, because they sound easygoing yet powerful.
List 10 bands/singers you like (do not include seiyuu or voice actors):
10?! Oh man. D:
Orange Range.
VNV Nation.
Apollo 440.
Earth, Wind and Fire.
Porno Graffiti.
(Early) No Doubt.
List 10 bands/singers you don’t like (again, no seiyuu or voice actors):
Uhhhh. If I don't like a song, I don't bother to find out what the band is called. D: So I couldn't really say. I have a personal grudge against My Chemical Romance, though. oO
What genre(s) of music do you listen to most?:
I listen to WEIRD music from just about every genre. Examples from my playlist are Sexyback, Livin' in the Sunlight - Lovin' in the Moonlight, and a techno remix of the Sesame Street Rubber Ducky Song in German.
...But it might actually be old-school. I listen to a lot of old-school. Stuff from the 60's to the 80's.
If Anna sent you to the music store with money to buy yourself a treat, would you buy the CD you’ve been looking for - BOB LOVE - or would you buy her the CD she’s been looking for - Ringo? Tell why: ... Well, she did say to buy something for ME, and I would normally get BOB LOVE, because I fucking love that song. Oo But since this is Anna, and oftentimes the things she says have double meanings, I might get Ringo because I already have BOB downloaded, and getting on her good side couldn't hurt.
Anything else?: There's a lot of songs on the playlist (if you will) that I haven't heard, so please do explain your votes in detail. |D