Name: Aradia
Nickname: Ray
Birthday: August 19
Likes: martial arts, swords, nunchakus, fire, lightning, writing, graphics, video games, my guitar, music, drawing, reading, manga, anime, animals, revenge, confusing idiotic people, the moon, confrontations ^^;
Dislikes: boredom, rain, complete absence of sound, spiders, needles, wasting energy, idiots, idiotic comments, not being able to understand something, guns, smoke, betrayers, my enemies, ants, getting sick, skirts/dresses, orthodontists, Pre-Calculus and all above math levels, being treated like a damn child
Hobbies: writing, drawing, reading, playing guitar, skateboarding, making graphics, tae kwon do, daydreaming thinking, sleeping [when I actually can, a rarity indeed], watching anime, playing videogames
Talents: writing, making graphics, daydreaming
Goals: I wanna be a published writer someday. Otherwise, I'm fine with being a graphic artist.
What do you feel your best qualities are?: my intellect [although I don't act like it] and strong will
Your worst?: a very low level of self-confidence, a good level of paranoia/skepticism, my short temper often gets me in trouble [I've only recently been freed from restriction because of it], my physical strength is terribly low, I tend to have trouble trusting people except those friends I've known for 6-8 years, I'll do almost anything for someone I believe a true friend, extreme sleep deprivation, procrastination, stubbornness, prideful [another factor in the former restriction]
Describe what you do on a normal day: I wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, get ready in general, go to school, hang out with friends, go to Mom's work after school [or Writing Club then I go there], go home, talk to people on IM, maybe watch a little TV, maybe write a bit, maybe read some, go to sleep at 11pm [give or take a few hours ^^;] if I can.
If there was a movie about your life, what 5 bands/artists would definitely be on the soundtrack? Why?: 30STM! They pwn all, they'd have to be on it. AFI because they're cool. Disturbed for when I'm pissed or something. Marilyn Manson just for the hell of it. Then I'd pick either Within Temptation or ICP because they both rock, bitches. *rocker chick and damn proud*
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: Dunno. Maybe my inability to be very respectful.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: Kill off all the stupid fuckers. Maybe then all the retarded warring would stop. Although that's doubtful... *shrug* That'll just mean there's less stupid people.
Why do you like the anime/manga Shaman King?: Because it's cool. I like reading/writing/watching about supernatural stuff, so naturally I'd like it. Besides, it's like an epic battle. Which kinda reminds me of Saiyuki. I love Saiyuki ♥ Anyway. It's cool, like I said.
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Dunno, to tell the truth. Maybe Yoh, because he's so laid back. But I like Horohoro, too. He's downright comical XD But so is Hao, now that I think about it. And deadly. Hell. I like all three of 'em.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Hmm.. Maybe... What's-her-name… *consults manga* Tamao, she's too timid. But I don't really like Lyserg, either. He just bothers me.
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: Perhaps AnnaxYoh. I think it's kind of cute... o.O *rare usage of the word cute*
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: Any of that yaoi crap those fangirls come up with >.<
If you got to choose a character in the series to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: Prolly Yoh. Like I said, he's laid-back, and so am I. Besides... his spirit ally is Amidamaru. A damn samurai. With a katana. Fucking awesome.
How did you find this community?: I don't really remember. Oops. Oh, well.
Anything else?: Not really. *yawn* Sorry. I've had nothing to do all day after that damn test. Everyone bombed it, and we know it. It's not the first, though. Oh, and if my grammar bothers anyone, it's for diction practice. And I s'pose I should say something like vote fairly...? Hmm. Never really said that before. Dunno why I'd start now.. *ponders*