Unexciting Events

Feb 21, 2008 21:40

1.) We done had another ice storm, which sucked ass, particularly the part where I couldn't get my eight hours in on account of the courthouse in Rockport was closed and also the part where the undead zombie tree continued to shed limbs. I like trees, don't get me wrong, but I'm convinced that one of these days, the undead zombie tree is going to ( Read more... )

moon, cat, weather, curse of undead zombie tree, winter blunderland, books omg, big wheels a-turnin', stupid hair, samurai

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Comments 9

dethorats February 22 2008, 06:06:33 UTC
Hey, thanks for sending the ice our way. Really. XD At least this time it's on a friday so I don't have to go out.

7 - sometimes I totally want to go bald but since I cannot grow a ZZ Top-worthy beard to compliment my chrome dome, I refrain. However, I have several female acquaintances who have extremely short hair and I must say it looks good. If you're personally comfortable with the look, I'd say go for it!


shake_the_stars February 24 2008, 04:46:27 UTC
I thought you'd appreciate it! XD I hate ice storms, but everything looks kind of cool afterwards, like some sort of spun-glass fairyland.

You totally SHOULD be able to grow a ZZ Top-style beard. It's so unfair. I'm still kind of toying with it at this stage; I guess I could buy a wig or something for situations where I had to look Professional and not have people asking if I'd had chemo or anything. Also, I've gained a ton of weight since the last time you saw me (end result: I am now trying to lose a ton of weight) and I think I might not be angular enough to pull off the buzzcut. We'll see, though. XD


augustuscaesar February 22 2008, 08:21:48 UTC
A buzz cut could definitely be cool! What would H think about it?


shake_the_stars February 23 2008, 20:58:32 UTC
I'm still undecided; I don't think my face is angular enough to carry off a buzz cut, for one thing, and for another, it might look better if I were much lighter. (Also, I don't want people assuming it's due to chemo and feeling sorry for me.) But it holds more appeal by the second. Also, wigs are cheap and would enable me to have pink AND green hair IN THE SAME WEEK, which is a big selling point for me.

Well, it's not his hair *g* I haven't asked, but will do so in my e-mail back.


augustuscaesar February 24 2008, 08:48:50 UTC
Basically, hair grows, so if it's something you feel like doing, and you think that you won't freeze doing it at this time of the year, then I say go for it. Worst case scenario is that you start growing it out again right away ;)


shake_the_stars February 24 2008, 18:53:03 UTC
The freezing is a major source of hesitation on my end, especially since the weatherman is a pathological liar and keeps telling us the exact opposite of what will occur meteorologically *g* (For instance, it was supposed to get up in the 40s today, and there is now snow on the ground which shows no signs of melting.)


Pthththt zyphryus February 23 2008, 15:24:31 UTC
go with a buzz mohawk! :D heehhehe

sorry i havn't contacted u, ive been bad.
I can finish your tattoo in one evening, if only I would just sit and do it. poke me and MAKE me do it.
*oh yeah*
I might even be able to do it tonight


Re: Pthththt shake_the_stars February 23 2008, 20:53:12 UTC
I don't think I have enough hair for a buzz mohawk, though. XD Also I do still have to look professional sometimes.

Oh, I'll poke you real good. Yeah, baby. ;D Don't make me drive to Indy just to stand sternly over you as you finish!

...wait, that sounded wrong.


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