Unexciting Events

Feb 21, 2008 21:40

1.) We done had another ice storm, which sucked ass, particularly the part where I couldn't get my eight hours in on account of the courthouse in Rockport was closed and also the part where the undead zombie tree continued to shed limbs. I like trees, don't get me wrong, but I'm convinced that one of these days, the undead zombie tree is going to kill somebody (preferably not me or m0mmy).

2.) We also done had a lunar eclipse, which rocked. Remarkable, isn't it, how at 6 p.m. the moon was like a big golden coin that I couldn't take my eyes off, and at 8 p.m. it had shriveled to a pale white fingernail sliver.

3.) Yesterday morning, I only realized I'd left my glasses in the bathroom after I'd already confined the cat, and I couldn't block the door quickly enough to stop her getting out. Freed from the fascist confines of the jakes, Callice tore up and down the stairs until she realized that I intended to chase, catch, and imprison her, and then she cunningly curled up in her Secret Hiding Place. (Which wasn't so secret, because all I had to do was peek around the corner and grab her.) To demonstrate her displeasure, she proceeded to drown her catnip turtle in her water bowl (I found it floating when I came home and changed her water; it was hysterical, in a macabre way). If she elects to drown her catnip fuzzy as well, she is not getting a new one.

4.) I have (finally) developed a(nother) Plan Of Action™, and may or may not be instituting a filter to talk about it. I'm not sure that anybody really needs or wants to read about it, but think it may actually succeed this time if I can only conquer my inherent laziness.

5.) Also I just finished reading Romances of Old Japan by one Ozaki Yuko; it was an enjoyable read and the pictures are beautiful. I was a bit disappointed at what I perceived to be a dearth of samurai, since THERE ARE NEVER ENOUGH SAMURAI as all know, I think samurai automatically make a book Great Literature. A samurai could totally have saved Born with the Century by William Kingsolver (possibly the worst book ever written), if only by adding a delightful WTF element.

6.) Speaking of samurai, I am in the process of writing a longer entry about how I read this one novel and took great exception to the author’s failure to learn what a word actually means. Don't worry, it'll be behind a cut so you can say to yourself, "Has Lee no other interests?" and skip it. I'm always thinking of things I can do to others.

7.) I should buzz my hair off Y/N? (My original plan was to have breast-covering hair, but I am cursed with wretched hair and am beginning to think that getting rid of all of it may be my only salvation.)

moon, cat, weather, curse of undead zombie tree, winter blunderland, books omg, big wheels a-turnin', stupid hair, samurai

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