Lee 3:16

Aug 13, 2007 22:13

I don't really know if I'm entitled to a 3:16, but we all know no kerfuffle is complete without me pontificating it to death ( Read more... )

announcements, fandom, vague interest in current events

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Comments 4

galhea August 14 2007, 05:44:35 UTC
I don't care one way or another about the child pr0n bits, but there's suspicion that LJ might target other "illegal" smutty stuff that I do happen to write, regardless of whether I condone said acts. x_x; I'm just gonna duck in my bunker and hope my fandom remains off their radars, but I may just keep my main LJ and shift my writing elsewhere, since it's only that I'm (mildly) worried about getting suspended.


shake_the_stars August 20 2007, 21:41:21 UTC
Have you considered slapping a disclaimer on the profile page and/or any fic you might write? I realize it's not a cure-all, but it might help. (Or it might not. I really have no idea what the hell is going on right now.)

I don't think it would be a bad thing if certain components of Jrock fandom were purged 43V4H, but I'm not talking about j00, obviously. XD Also, if you do take off for parts unknown, I booked my usual name on GJ largely to keep anyone else from having it.


forgottensanity August 14 2007, 16:14:53 UTC
I never catch the drama. I always wind up hearing about it from third persons. I'm not entirely sure how bringing up the Holocaust can help pedaphiles-in-the-closet with their crusade, but I suppose it is possible to try if I were so inclined.

And speaking of Hitler and all ... When we were in Germany, we passed this van which belonged to a firm of some kind, and said firm - the writing on the van told us - belonged to a Mr Hitschler. Now, either some German family has a rather unfortunate name, or Hitler is still alive and thought up the dumbest alias ever.

The HP fandom has already exploded into million pieces of wank on several occasions. Unfortunately However, the pieces always mutate back into a solid form again. Kind of like the Wicked Witch, just in reverse. Oh, you should have been there when JK Rowling revealed that Hermione was going to be with Ron, not Harry, it was, like, OMG from the Harry/Hermione shippers.

I approve of clean underwear.


shake_the_stars August 18 2007, 03:46:47 UTC
You're glad, really. Also, Nazism and the Holocaust, etc. always come up whenever anyone is persecuted. Because violating the "right" of people to draw Harry Potter in compromising positions is TOTALLY comparable to the restriction, oppression, and systematic extermination of my distant kin in eastern Europe. It is NOT overblown AT ALL.

They saved Hitler's brain, you know. He gets like 100 times more mileage dead than alive. But because nobody takes American B-movies very seriously, he can get away with having stupid-ass aliases.

The HP fandom is like the Hydra of wank. If only the Heracles of wank would come along and put a stop to it. ;_; Shippers, however, are always good for a fagsplosion.

Clean underwear r00lz.


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