Lee 3:16

Aug 13, 2007 22:13

I don't really know if I'm entitled to a 3:16, but we all know no kerfuffle is complete without me pontificating it to death.

Warning for anyone offended by swear words, my obvious disgust with the entire topic, and me being less than supportive of various roiling seas of batshit: Contains swear words, my obvious disgust with the entire topic, and me being less than supportive of various roiling seas of batshit.

1.) The first person to violate Godwin's Law will be summarily defriended and banned, and I'm not kidding. In case you didn't know: Godwin's Law states that the first person to bring up fascism, Hitler, Nazi Germany, etc. in an Internet argument automatically loses, regardless of whether s/he was previously in the right or previously had made a compelling argument. People, it's a goddamn blogging service; there is no comparison. Grow some fucking perspective.

2.) The first person to flap his or her lips about freedom of speech will be punched, especially if s/he is a US citizen. Read the fucking Constitution (you might have heard a couple of words about it while you were sleeping through civics class); it states that the government is not to restrict freedom of speech. LJ is a private entity; it is not obliged to provide you or me or Jean-Paul Sartre with a platform from which to exercise our freedom of speech. LJ has the right to indicate that certain kinds of speech are unwelcome, even if this is not convenient to you or me personally.

3.) I cannot find it in my heart to be emotionally disturbed over the tragic plight of people engaged in writing chanslash (= shota, smut which involves an underaged character engaged in sexual activities with an adult) who suddenly found their accounts OMGBAHLEETED. That kink happens to be one which I find morally repugnant on just about every level, and I can't say I'm sympathetic.

3a.) Writing pr0n is not some sort of Great Act of Heroic Defiance. To paraphrase augustuscaesar, take pride in what you do, but at the end of the day, it's just pr0n.

3b.) And HP fandom wonders why the rest of us all think it's batshit insane. God.

4.) I don't read or write chanslash/shota/underaged smut/whatever you'd like to call it. Most of what I write, and most of my reading preferences these days, tends strongly towards gen. If people-what-writes-underaged-pr0n are getting their journals suspended, well, goshers, I'm dreadful sorry about their luck, but that really doesn't affect me.

5.) In addition, my fandoms tend to be tiny and obscure, and because of this, the underaged-pr0n thing is either a.) extremely rare (if it exists at all) or b.) easy to avoid if one wants no part of it.

5a.) So quit telling me that I'm OMG A FANDOM BENEDICT because I don't give a shit about the fate of a large, bloated fandom. Actually, I rather hope HP fandom implodes on itself in a shower of wank; I haven't had much in the way of lulz lately.

6.) I will continue to maintain a paid account. I happen to not like ads, and I happen to be gainfully employed, which enables me to afford $20 a year to ensure that I see no ads.

7.) I will not be leaving in the foreseeable future; none of my friends appear (at this point) to be leaving, and moreover, H and X-chan know that they can find me here, which trumps pretty much every philosophical quibble about the ethics of remaining on LJ as far as I'm concerned.

7a.) In the event that I do leave, I will likely return to Pitas rather than fleeing to an LJ clone.

8.) All of the above said, I do feel that LJ has done a piss-poor job of determining and disseminating community standards, and that it has spectacularly dropped the ball in the communications department. We can hardly be expected to adhere to standards that have not been adequately defined. In addition, the abuse system needs an overhaul, but the nature of that overhaul has been adequately laid out elsewhere by people more articulate than I.

9.) Which is a fancy way of saying, "I'm tired and I think I've made it abundantly clear where I stand on this, so I'm gonna watch me some Trigun and throw my laundry in the dryer so's I've got clean underwear to wear to Vincennes tomorrow and then I'm gonna go to bed."

announcements, fandom, vague interest in current events

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