May 12, 2007 13:19

Quick note for anyone who gives a shit, which almost certainly is limited to forgottensanity and jurhael--the domain will return in the next couple of weeks or so (HOREY). However, some changes will be made. Below, a précis:

1.) I've had it up to here with PowWeb, which as you knew was coming for some time. We're switching to DreamHost. This means that pretty much all ( Read more... )

webstuff, jo, xfo, cat, announcements, xfn

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Comments 9

momo May 12 2007, 19:14:35 UTC
Have you been working on your fic? >:/


shake_the_stars May 13 2007, 06:38:07 UTC
Um, kind of?

*attempts to conciliate with spleens*


forgottensanity May 13 2007, 11:15:50 UTC
This sounds very complicated. I only just memorised xi-feng.org and now you're going to change it?! How am I going to remember all of that? I've already forgotten what you're changing it to and I don't know where to look for it! You're only doing it to confuse me. ;_ ( ... )


shake_the_stars May 13 2007, 23:49:07 UTC
Cat, your memory is worse than I thought. ^_-

Also, while I agree that FTP is probably blowing things out of proportion and making things difficult for you, I would respectfully point out that it doesn't exactly help that you dumped FTP a couple of weeks before it was going to propose to you and then told everyone it was gay. Just sayin', yo.

I know, of all of it I'm most upset about losing the old e-mails. All my friendship with H is on there. ;_; But we'll live. I seriously thought about not springing for more hosting, but damn it all, I like having a Web presence that isn't a stinking LJ and a couple of mailing lists.

Websiteness, and also a chintzy layout that I made in PhotoSuite because Mom's computer is too old to run Photoshop. :\ Someday, though...

OMG NOEZ!!!!1 MY LUV 4 U IZ AM R B TRU!!!111 Srsly, because you don't use your real name on the Int0rwebz (understandably), so I figure it's not okay for me to use it, so I figure I can't make a tag out of it because then people might guess your shameful sekrit. ^_^;;


forgottensanity May 14 2007, 18:00:09 UTC
I didn't say FTP was gay. I said Lee was gay for FTP, and it took that entirely the wrong way and started writing you love letters, it really did, but they were mysteriously lost somehow so I can't prove it ... It's that Bob again, you know how unreliable he is. And then in an attempt to steer FTP away from you - I knew your love affair would have been a lost cause - I had to write Dear John letters in your name to FTP, explaining how much you thought it sucked, and then it got all mad and started the www.lovecrusadeforlee.com website and that's when things started to get out of hand ( ... )


shake_the_stars May 14 2007, 21:54:11 UTC
You've been blaming an awful lot of things on Postman Bob lately. Is there something you're not telling me, Cat?

Oh, so that's the whole story! You'll be relieved to know that I now have a restraining order against FTP, and I've also blocked lovecrusadeforlee.com from my browser. ^_^


Okay, I won't tell you about the shrine I have to you with people's heads and such. By the way, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop speaking to me through the old guy's head; it's really creepy when you do that late at night.

Oops. I guess I don't need to reveal your shameful sekrit, because you just went and did it for me. And STOP peeing on the furniture, damn it!


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