May 12, 2007 13:19

Quick note for anyone who gives a shit, which almost certainly is limited to forgottensanity and jurhael--the domain will return in the next couple of weeks or so (HOREY). However, some changes will be made. Below, a précis:

1.) I've had it up to here with PowWeb, which as you knew was coming for some time. We're switching to DreamHost. This means that pretty much all ( Read more... )

webstuff, jo, xfo, cat, announcements, xfn

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forgottensanity May 13 2007, 11:15:50 UTC
This sounds very complicated. I only just memorised xi-feng.org and now you're going to change it?! How am I going to remember all of that? I've already forgotten what you're changing it to and I don't know where to look for it! You're only doing it to confuse me. ;_;

I have CoreFTP installed so that ought to work, although you know the relationship FTP and I have. It is not an easy one. I don't know what it's been telling you behind my back, but it's ENTIRELY FTP's fault!! And whatever it says that I did, I never did it. Not even that stuff I said about you, those are just LIES.

I am quite sure I have my website files somewhere ... It's only a matter of remembering where. Sometimes I edit stuff at my own place, other times I edit it at my uncle's or my parents', but they ought to be somewhere at least. ^_^ At any rate, there is a chance that I will live without them. Hold on, I'll check ........... Yes ....... I am almost positively sure that I'll live, so that's fine. ^_^ I only regret losing my emails, but I 'spect to survive without them.

Hurray, websiteness! Score!

Oh, and I would like to raise another concern: Why do other people get their own special tags, and I just get lumped in with Callice? -.- I feel neglected. U WUV TEH OT3TR CTA MORN MI!!!!!11!!angstomg!!112!


shake_the_stars May 13 2007, 23:49:07 UTC
Cat, your memory is worse than I thought. ^_-

Also, while I agree that FTP is probably blowing things out of proportion and making things difficult for you, I would respectfully point out that it doesn't exactly help that you dumped FTP a couple of weeks before it was going to propose to you and then told everyone it was gay. Just sayin', yo.

I know, of all of it I'm most upset about losing the old e-mails. All my friendship with H is on there. ;_; But we'll live. I seriously thought about not springing for more hosting, but damn it all, I like having a Web presence that isn't a stinking LJ and a couple of mailing lists.

Websiteness, and also a chintzy layout that I made in PhotoSuite because Mom's computer is too old to run Photoshop. :\ Someday, though...

OMG NOEZ!!!!1 MY LUV 4 U IZ AM R B TRU!!!111 Srsly, because you don't use your real name on the Int0rwebz (understandably), so I figure it's not okay for me to use it, so I figure I can't make a tag out of it because then people might guess your shameful sekrit. ^_^;;


forgottensanity May 14 2007, 18:00:09 UTC
I didn't say FTP was gay. I said Lee was gay for FTP, and it took that entirely the wrong way and started writing you love letters, it really did, but they were mysteriously lost somehow so I can't prove it ... It's that Bob again, you know how unreliable he is. And then in an attempt to steer FTP away from you - I knew your love affair would have been a lost cause - I had to write Dear John letters in your name to FTP, explaining how much you thought it sucked, and then it got all mad and started the www.lovecrusadeforlee.com website and that's when things started to get out of hand.

You'll hardly believe the amount of HORRENDOUS TORMENT and GRUESOME PERIL I went through for your sake. Why, if I hadn't stopped it, FTP would be camped out in your yard right now. And if you don't have a yard, it'd have built one. That's how possessed it is. So don't say I never do anything for you.

I agree that having a website is nifty, even if we don't use it too much. ^_^ It still comes in handy, particularly if you want to upload something real quick, and you don't have to worry about crappy banners and dumbass popups.

I also appreciate the fact that you don't have my name plastered all over your LJ. What you do to your walls at home is another matter. However, what of all the people who go searching for information about Cat, and then they see this tag and click it and all of these entries pop up where it says that the Cat peed on the furniture again and you're going to get it "fixed" next week, what won't people think?!


shake_the_stars May 14 2007, 21:54:11 UTC
You've been blaming an awful lot of things on Postman Bob lately. Is there something you're not telling me, Cat?

Oh, so that's the whole story! You'll be relieved to know that I now have a restraining order against FTP, and I've also blocked lovecrusadeforlee.com from my browser. ^_^


Okay, I won't tell you about the shrine I have to you with people's heads and such. By the way, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop speaking to me through the old guy's head; it's really creepy when you do that late at night.

Oops. I guess I don't need to reveal your shameful sekrit, because you just went and did it for me. And STOP peeing on the furniture, damn it!


forgottensanity May 15 2007, 09:58:53 UTC
Well, Postman Bob is guilty! It's been proven! Didn't you see that documentary they did on Channel 8 the other week on 38 Minutes When Not Counting the Commercials? I think the show was called POSTMAN BOB: Our Next Super Villain?. Although I'd hardly call him a super villain. He's more of a nuisance. I don't know why the post office doesn't just fire him. The show even had footage of him rifling through other people's mail and laughing at their names! Who does that!

I am glad you took precautions in dealing with FTP. It needs to learn that it cannot be allowed to merely do as it pleases.

I can speak through old people's heads when I want. It is clear from past experiences that I need to check up on you, and since you leave me no other choice I must do it through a voodoo head. Quite frankly, you brought it on yourself. However, it would most likely be more effective if you actually did what Cat-in-the-old-voodoo-guy's-head said.

What do you think of my ominous voice, though? I've been practising.

But how do you know that it's me who pees on your furniture? I mean, I never do it when you're around as that would be kind of creepy, and I always plant enough evidence to suggest that Callice did it. Have the other voodoo heads been blabbing? Because if they have I insist you get them replaced! What kind of voodoo heads are they if you use them to spy on me when I break into your home and pee on your furniture. I hope you're ashamed of yourself.


shake_the_stars May 15 2007, 23:31:47 UTC
Have you ever noticed how our conversations always have this delightful undercurrent of WTF? Don't ever change. ^_^

I missed that documentary, but I do agree that "super villain" is pushing it. For one thing, Postman Bob doesn't have a spandex outfit--not that I really want to see him in one, mind--and for another, his laugh is truly obnoxious. I'm all for a good snort once in a while, but he snorts all the damn time. Also, I did see the article in the paper where he was picking his nose and eating it, and that was just not something I needed to see over my morning coffee.

It sang under my window last night, and I had to call the cops. Embarrassing, very.

I think I'd be much happier if I didn't ask what these "past experiences" entailed; I've blocked them out of my memory already. Also, I will have you know that I am not going to build you a pyramid, dance naked on the roof of a moving bus, send money, or any of the other ridiculous and improbable things you insist on demanding through the old guy's head.

Also, your ominous voice would be far more ominous if you didn't feel the need to cackle at the end and intone, "Beware! Beware! Yours sincerely, Cat".

Actually, the voodoo heads are harmless, unless, of course, someone is using them. Instead, I have taught Callice to communicate using a tiny keyboard of her own. I was vindicated when I came home and saw that she had typed CAT PEED ON CHAIR on the screensaver. (She sometimes types such unremarkable things as PETS NOW or WANT LEFTOVER PORK LOIN, NOT KIBBLE.) Your peeing days are numbered.


forgottensanity May 16 2007, 14:40:53 UTC
I'm sorry but I have to beg too differ. Postman Bob does have a spandex outfit. He's the one on the left. The other one is Mail Carrier Sven, his trusted sidekick, meaning that Postman Bob spends most of his days kicking him in the side.

I will, however, agree to Postman Bob picking his nose being of the gross variety. But I have heard that that is where he stores his microfilm and if the enemy gets too close ... Well, he can't let them get a hold of the film, now can he? He was clearly misrepresented in the paper, and the newspaper is obviously anti-Bob and you therefore have to consider very carefully what it says. What was it, The Times? O Magazine? They're known for that kind of thing. Every day there's a new type of Bob slander. It's despicable.

I imagine that the neighbours complained, too. We can't have all of that singing going on at night, especially not from FTP. I hope you didn't consider the fact that FTP's little charade was merely a cover to allow someone else unnoticed access to your premises in order to nick your filing cabinet and Roman legionaries, because obviously that is entirely unfounded and I don't know where you get this stuff from. I don't even know what you're talking about. You have a filing cabinet?! That's the first I've heard of it!

Well, what WILL you do?! Cat-in-old-voodoo-guy's-head is running out of demands to try. What exactly is the point in speaking to you through a voodoo head when you never do anything with what I tell you?! I call gross negligence.

But if I didn't sign my ominous predictions at the end, how would you know they were from me? How am I supposed to know how many people you have speak to you through the voodoo heads? I can't see anything, so maybe you are just playing a trick on all of these people, making us believe we are the only ones. I'm on to your sick game.

That damn keyboard. I knew it would be the end of me. She doesn't get any leftover pork loin, she doesn't deserve it! That traitor!

I don't know what you're talking about. Everything I say makes absolute sense, so I don't see where the WTF comes in. I am sure everyone else who reads this knows that we are - for sure - speaking in code, and that we're keeping everyone out on purpose because they suck and we don't like them.


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