On the Vagaries of Human Entertainment

Feb 19, 2007 15:08

Pros of starting samurai game now and the fuck with consequences ( Read more... )

yukichi, moral dilemmas, life, samurai, rp

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Comments 9

augustuscaesar February 19 2007, 23:01:33 UTC
I think the premise is a really good idea. Otherwise it'll drive you insane within a month, I reckon.


shake_the_stars February 20 2007, 04:07:02 UTC
Oh, definitely. Either that, or it'll peter out because nobody has the balls to stage-manage it. (Hell, I'm always afraid to stage-manage plots in the totally freeform games I occasionally join, just because I'm afraid of ballsing-up something the GM is doing. Whoo, go me.)


augustuscaesar February 21 2007, 00:02:15 UTC
I never have those kind of balls, because I'm too thingy about respecting the mods. I'm the sort of player who always runs the big stuff by them.


shake_the_stars February 21 2007, 00:23:29 UTC
As am I, usually (unless I know it's a total clusterfuck freeform where absolutely NOTHING I come up with is going to be rejected), simply because I want players to run things by me when I mod. (If I ever mod again. O WOE FOR LEE'S GAMES.)


forgottensanity February 20 2007, 10:14:41 UTC
I don't write Mary Sues at all!!! I don't even know what a Mary Sue is! And I certainly wouldn't create one on purpose just to mess with your head, which, on second thought, sounds like a really good idea and maybe I'll do it anyway.

Lady Aurora was a complete fluke. So was Mary Sudira. THEY DO NOT SHOW A PATTERN!

In fact, I resent your remark. It completely contradicts everything Evil Lee Clone has said.


shake_the_stars February 21 2007, 02:59:03 UTC
Oh, yes, whatever, Cat. Next I suppose you're going to tell me that you are totally not responsible for the rash of Iacchan Baynazier piracy that has been sweeping the Uscan Main, despite the fact that the flags were black and purple and the villages were torched to spell out "Cat MoonShadow Was Here".

Either one would have been bad enough on her own, but the fact that you originated them BOTH, within MERE MONTHS of each other, DOES IN FACT SHOW A PATTERN. And now I suppose I'm going to hear how it's so unfair that your Sue doesn't get Her Man and how I am SO MEAN because I expect people to follow the rules.

Also, I would respectfully point out that Evil Robot Clone Lee is not the most reliable source, so if you listen to her you get what you deserve.


forgottensanity February 21 2007, 11:42:00 UTC
The burning villages totally weren't my idea, and anyway you could hardly see them unless you were looking. You're just trying to set me up. It's probably you who planted those weapons of mass destruction and my someone's plans for world domination in my room. It's a complete and total frame up! As though I would ever bribe the Iacchan Baynazier pirates to rob the Empire and dethrown anyone and then get them all to make me gold, lots of, and then we'll torch even more villages in celebration and everyone should bring me kittens and there will be much rejoicing and othello cake and everyone will have to wear purple on Saturdays and clowns will be thrown into the scorpion pit! Whoever said I would ever partake in such an endeavour is lying, and all the documents that went missing from my secret laboratory are just false and creative and not true and fabrications of my imagination, and you shouldn't believe a word that they say. Especially not the part it taking place in June. There's no reason to be prepared for anything in May. In fact ( ... )


shake_the_stars February 23 2007, 05:49:10 UTC
Actually, I nicked your plans for world domination, because they were mine. You can see them if you want, but they're MY plans now. [/Mal]

I heartily approve of your endeavors to throw clowns into the scorpion pit though I hope you will allow Krusty to live, and will send you a generous tax-exempt donation of seventeen pennies (one Canadian), a couple of stale French fries, and something the cat horked up that we're afraid to touch. Being boundlessly inventive also EVIL, you should be able to come up with a creative way to use those.

I will also give a generous donation to my alma mater, thus enabling them to fund the Cat Studies Department.


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