On the Vagaries of Human Entertainment

Feb 19, 2007 15:08

Pros of starting samurai game now and the fuck with consequences:
1.) Wang Xi-feng's Historical Clusterfuck, Now With More Samurai!
2.) Instant gratification.
3.) Research officially declared finished on the grounds that I feel like being done with research. Also, substantial amount of research pre-compiled for your convenience.
4.) Layout all ready for site.
5.) Everybody on the Int0rwebz likes Japan; player base sure to be large.

Cons of starting samurai game now and the fuck with consequences:
1.) Wang Xi-feng's Historical Clusterfuck, Now With More Samurai!
2.) No premise. We like premises. Without premises, and attendant plotlines, games visit that giant RPG archive in the sky.
3.) You call that research, Wang? Eight-year-old girls do better research than that. Now drop and write me 10,000-15,000 words on constructions of bushido in the Tokugawa era, with special reference to the Hagakure.
4.) Hosting package needs to be renewed; it does not matter that the site is pretty if there is no place to host it.
5.) Everybody on the Int0rwebz likes Japan; motards, teenagers, and teenaged motards sure to flock like maggots to a corpse.
6.) forgottensanity may not be able to resist temptation to bust out horrific Mary Sue character.

Conclusion: Mail in check for hosting service when mail up, running again; continue endless stream of research; try to resist temptation to play Yukichi; attempt to have game up and running by June.

yukichi, moral dilemmas, life, samurai, rp

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