Hail to the Chief, 'Cause He's the Guy We All Say Hail To

Feb 16, 2007 22:53

1.) Snow is fucking filthy. Seriously, you wouldn't think frozen water coming from the sky in an endless concatenation of beautiful special unique flakes would leave your car all streaky and dirty, but it does. I think adulthood has ruined the magical/exciting/neat aspects of snow for me forever, now that I live in a state and work in a profession where I occasionally have to go out and drive in it. At least we had a mild winter and we're supposed to get back up into the 40s and 50s next week.

2.) I wonder if Paul Scott was influenced by A Passage to India (E.M. Forster) at all when he was writing the Raj Quartet (only about one of the greatest series EVAR). I've loved the Quartet (and its sequel, Staying On) for years, but I'm reading A Passage to India at the moment and am struck by the similarities.

3.) We had stir-fried pork and vegetables with cashew rice for dinner. :9

4.) I got more used books at the Book Worm in Corydon. YAY USED BOOKS :D

5.) I ♥ ukekenshin. And the rest of you too, of course. But particularly Talyn.

culinary adventures, books omg, winter blunderland, omg talyn, life

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